Manpreet Kaur and Vikramjit Kaur Zhawar*
Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
*Corresponding Author: Vikramjit Kaur Zhawar, Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
Received: December 20, 2017; Published: February 07, 2018
Citation: Manpreet Kaur and Vikramjit Kaur Zhawar. “Analysis of ABA Regulation of Antioxidant Metabolism Under ABA and Water Stress in Wheat Cultivars". Acta Scientific Agriculture 2.3 (2018).
ABA-regulation under ABA and WS was studied in two wheat cultivars PBW343 (drought susceptible) and C306 (drought tolerant) by using tiron (T), specific scavenger of superoxides, under ABA and using sodium tungstate (ST), ABA biosynthetic inhibitor, under WS where ABA+T treatment was compared to ABA and WS+ST treatment was compared to WS. ABA+T treatment decreased biomass, ascorbate to dehydroascorbate ratio, proline and increased malondialdehyde in both cultivars; decreased antioxidant enzymes in PBW343 only while in C306, it increased antioxidant enzymes accompanied with increased H2O2. WS+ST treatment decreased biomass, ascorbate to dehydroascorbate ratio, antioxidant enzymes and increased H2O2, malondialdehyde in both cultivars but more pronounced in C306. It did not decrease proline in both cultivars. These results showed that ABA-pathway under WS was higher in C306 but lesser in PBW343, hence may be the reason of drought susceptibility of PBW343. However, under ABA, this pathway showed some inhibitions in C306 which may be due to ABA-higher sensitive nature of cultivar.
Keywords: Abscisic Acid; Antioxidant; Reactive Oxygen Species; Triticum aestivum; Water Stress
Copyright: © 2018 Manpreet Kaur and Vikramjit Kaur Zhawar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.