Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 4

Challenges and Opportunity of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) of Veterinary Domain in Ethiopia

Wubishet Zewdie*

Department of Animal Health Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Wubishet Zewdie, Department of Animal Health Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia.

Received: January 25, 2023; Published: March 26, 2023


The Public Private Partnership (PPP) is collaborative approach in which the public and private sector share resources, responsibilities and risks to achieve common objectives for continuously service delivery and sustainable benefits. Countries that have been institutionalized PPP by issuing relevant proclamations and application framework based on the priorities of the government; they are getting benefits from implementing it. Through presence of huge potential or Opportunity, the implementation of PPP has been very low in veterinary domain so far in Ethiopia. The aim of the assessment was to identify the challenge and opportunities of veterinary domain service delivery in Ethiopian. The data was collected using open questionnaire distributed via email, and directly via phone call and interview of respondents from Ministry staffs, regional, zonal and district animal health agencies, offices or processes owners, private practitioners. The collected data analyzed using excel spread sheet, tabulated, categorized and displayed as graphs and tables as needed to make it easily understandable. Eighty-one respondents were interviewed using prepared questionnaires. Out of these respondents, 47 were public sectors and 34 were from private sectors. Out of these respondents, 70 (86%) have lack of awareness on importance of PPP in service delivery, 58 (71.6%) believes on absence of legal frame work in the country especially for veterinary domain, 49 (60.5%) complains absence of financial and investment land delivery system, and 15 (18%) absence of PPP responsible body as directorate or case team or unity in Ministry of Agriculture. The opportunity of PPP in Ethiopia found to be presence of PPP proclamation, presence of private and public sectors engaged in veterinary domain service deliver, high demand of service needs and presence sufficient professionals who can participate to fulfil requested demands of the domain. In conclusion, the presence of private and public sectors delivering service, presence of high service demand and implementation possibilities in veterinary domain, government need to develop PPP legal frame work and assign responsible body in Ministry of Agriculture for Veterinary Domain engagement and facilitation of PPP depending on the priority service needed in Ethiopia.

Keywords: Challenge; Public Private Partnership (PPP); Opportunity; Veterinary Domain


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Citation: Wubishet Zewdie. “Challenges and Opportunity of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) of Veterinary Domain in Ethiopia".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 5.4 (2023): 111-114.


Copyright: © 2023 Wubishet Zewdie. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.008

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