Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Short Communication Volume 7 Issue 4

Prescription to Prevent Mental Health Problem and Gun Violence Ideation in Children?

Tapan K Chaudhuri1*, Tushar K Chowdhury1, Tandra R Chaudhuri1, Sree Taposh K Chowdhury2 and Srimati Bulu R Chowdhury3

1Professor, Chowdhury Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA
2Spiritual Guru and Divine Mentor, Chowdhury Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA
3Spiritual Intern, Disciple and Devotee, Chowdhury Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA

*Corresponding Author: Professor Tapan K Chaudhuri, Chowdhury Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA.

Received: March 13, 2023; Published: March 27, 2023


The current society is riddled with gun violence and mental health problems amongst children leading to shootings and death of innocent people. Not a single day passes that you would not hear in the news that one or more persons were the victim of gut shot injury and died.

 All materialistic methods to stop gun violence have failed. Now we should resort to spiritual methods [1-7] to stop the gun violence.


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  2. Chaudhuri TK., et al. “Book – Physics of God, Universe, Humankind and Peace in Family”. Publisher –iUniverse, USA (2015).
  3. Chaudhuri TK., et al. “Preventive Therapeutic Effect of Worship, Prayer and Meditation During Conception on Physical, Mental and Soul Health of Newly Created Human Being”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences5 (2019): 119-120.
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  5. Chaudhuri TK., et al. “Theo-Pharmaceutical - Parent’s Blessing is the Best Theo-Pharmaceutical to Keep their Children both Physically and Mentally Healthy”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences12 (2019): 59.
  6. Chaudhuri TK., et al. “Role of Electromagnetic Energy of the Human Mind on Human Life”. Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports 7 (2020): 80.
  7. Chowdhury Taposh K. “Personal Communication. What happens at the end stage meditation?”.
  8. Chaudhari TK., et al. “Biophysics of parenting and biochemistry of parenting, YouTube video, (2023).


Citation: Tapan K Chaudhuri., et al. “Prescription to Prevent Mental Health Problem and Gun Violence Ideation in Children?". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 7.4 (2023): 13-14.


Copyright: © 2023 Tapan K Chaudhuri., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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