Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 10

Intervention of Diet in Psoriasis: A Review

Abdul Haque Bamer1*, Abdul Samad2, Prasad Govindrao Jamkhande3, Abid Shaikh1, Nadeem Shaikh4, Sumayya Fatema1 and Quadri Mohammad Shoeb1

1Department of Pharmacology, Durgamata institute of Pharmacy, Dharmapuri, Maharashtra, India

2Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, Maharashtra, India

3Center for the Research in Pharmaceutical science, Sharda Bhavan Education Society’s Nanded college of Pharmacy, Maharashtra, India

4School of Pharmacy, S.R.T.M. University, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Abdul Haque Bamer, Department of Pharmacology, Durgamata institute of Pharmacy, Dharmapuri, Maharashtra, India.

Received: August 14, 2021; Published: September 23, 2021


  Psoriasis is a chronic disfiguring, Relapsing, inflammatory and proliferative immune mediated skin disease. The correct aetiology is unclear but a mix of genetic, stress and environmental factors is considered as the cause. The disease is associated with anxiety, depression, crohn’s disease cardiovascular disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome. The current research on diet in psoriasis as reason and cure has gained attention with numerous studies correlating it with aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease. In this review, diet considered an important role in psoriasis patients. The main aim of review to discuss the different dietary interventions proposed for the management of psoriasis, the data concerning the same and controversies surrounding them. Low caloric diet has shown to increased severity of psoriasis of skin lesion. Antibodies to gluten may be seen in or else asymptomatic patients of psoriasis and these may advantage from a gluten free diet. Omega-3 fatty acids have revealed a strong evidence to be beneficial in several trials. But, the dose and route of administration is yet to be standardized. The alcohol addiction of patients with psoriasis has led to its worsening. Amongst the vitamins, vitamin D shows the maximum evidence of benefit, while the role of folate and vitamin B12 needs to be explored further. Similar is the case for zinc and selenium. There is evidence of worsen of psoriasis with foods such as eggs, red meat and dairy products and those rich in taurine, but the evidence is too inadequate to advise decrease in intake of these items. Dermatologists must be conscious of this management to help their patients put together the best option for dietary modification.

Keywords: Psoriasis; Diet; Dietary Intolerance; Vitamins; Antioxidants


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Citation: Abdul Haque Bamer., et al. “Intervention of Diet in Psoriasis: A Review". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.10 (2020): 84-91.


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