Tapan K Chaudhuri* and Richard Hoffler
Hampton, Virginia and San Antonio, Texas, USA
*Corresponding Author: Tapan K Chaudhuri, Professor, Hampton, Virginia and San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Received: March 31, 2021; Published: April 09, 2021
Wearing a face mask should be a mandated preventive medical treatment tool for Covid-19 infection just like it is in case of Tuberculosis or any other contagious respiratory infectious diseases such as Flu, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Whooping cough, Legionnaire’s disease etc.
Wearing a face mask in preventing death from COVID-19 infection is analogous to wearing a seat belt in preventing death from car crash. A face mask is to COVID-19 crash as a seat belt is to car crash. Just as if a seat belt is not worn, one dies of car crash, similarly if a face mask is not worn, one dies of COVID-19 crash. Just as wearing a seat belt while driving a car is legalized, similarly wearing a face mask during COVID-19 pandemic should be legalized.
One who reasons wearing a face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection is an individual choice and defies the medical necessity of wearing a face mask as preventive therapy of COVID-19 infection, one should be considered adamant, dumb, unreasonable and unintelligent.
Refusing to a wear face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection is like refusing to wear a condom to prevent HIV infection.
Those who refuse to wear a face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection would learn a lesson and change their mind only if they ended up in ICU on ventilator.
No argument stands against wearing a face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection.
Citation: Tapan K Chaudhuri and Richard Hoffler. “Face Mask - A Mandatory Preventive Medical Treatment for Covid-19, Not a Political Toy, Nor an Individual Choice". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.5 (2021): 26.
Copyright: © 2021 Tapan K Chaudhuri and Richard Hoffler. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.