Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Letter to Editor Volume 6 Issue 6

Hydroxychloroquine or Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19 Patients

Debraj Mukhopadhyay*

Department of Public Health, School of Allied Health Sciences, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), New Delhi, India

*Corresponding Author: Debraj Mukhopadhyay, Department of Public Health, School of Allied Health Sciences, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), New Delhi, India.

Received: October 08, 2020; Published: May 01, 2022


  A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was spread in the world like a pandemic, in late December 2019. There were challenges for treatment interventions as well as types of medicines. Despite there is no specific therapy strategy for COVID-19, studies have identified Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Remdesivir as the most widely used medicine worldwide [1-3]. So, this letter was written to synthesize the evidence and outcomes of the medicines for COVID-19 patients.



  1. Josh Farkas. “Internet Book of Critical Care (IBCC)”. COVID-19 (2020).
  2. Report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  3. Nebraska Medicine. COVID-19 Antiviral and pharmacotherapy recommendations (2020).
  4. Erin K McCreary, Jason M Pogue, on behalf of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 Treatment: A Review of Early and Emerging Options”. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4 (2020): ofaa105.
  5. P Gautret., et al. “Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial”. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents1 (2020): 105949.
  6. Boulware DR., et al. “A Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Post exposure Prophylaxis for Covid-19”. The New England Journal of Medicine 6 (2020): 517-525.
  7. Arshad S., et al. “Treatment with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and combination in patients hospitalized with COVID-19”. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 97 (2020): 396-403.
  8. Li Z., et al. “Rapid review for the anti-coronavirus effect of remdesivir”. Drug Discoveries and Therapeutics 2 (2020): 73-76.
  9. Wu R., et al. “An Update on Current Therapeutic Drugs Treating COVID-19”. Current Pharmacology Reports (2020): 1-15.
  10. Mehra MR., et al. “Retraction-Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis”. Lancet 10240 (2020): 1820.
  11. Wang Y., et al. “Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial”. Lancet10238 (2020): 1694.
  12. Grein J., et al. “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19”. The New England Journal of Medicine 24 (2020): 2327-2336.
  13. De Wit E., et al. “Prophylactic and therapeutic Remdesivir (GS-5734) treatment in the rhesus macaque model of MERS-CoV infection”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America12 (2020).


Citation: Debraj Mukhopadhyay. “Hydroxychloroquine or Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19 Patients". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022): 01-03.


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