Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Short Communication Volume 4 Issue 12

The Significant and Profound Impacts of Low-Frequency Internal Motions (Phonons) in Biomacromolecules (Short Communication)

Kuo-Chen Chou*

Gordon Life Science Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

*Corresponding Author: Kuo-Chen Chou, Gordon Life Science Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America.

Received: October 03, 2020; Published: November 07, 2020


  The first paper introducing the low-frequency internal motions or phonons was proposed in 1977 [1]. It has stimulated a series of follow-up papers in this very interesting field (see, e.g. [2-16], as well as the eight master pieces of papers from the then Chairman of Nobel Prize Committee Sture Forsen [2,17-23].



  1. KC Chou and NY Chen. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons”. Scientia Sinica 20 (1977): 447-457.
  2. KC Chou., et al. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons: 2. Cooperative effects”. Chemica Scripta 18 (1981): 126-132.
  3. KC Chou and YS Kiang. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons: 5. A phenomenological theory”. Biophysical Chemistry 22 (1985): 219-235.
  4. KC Chou. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons: 6. A possible dynamic mechanism of allosteric transition in antibody molecules”. Biopolymers 26 (1987): 285-295.
  5. KC Chou and GM Maggiora. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons: 7. The impetus for DNA to accommodate intercalators”. British Polymer Journal 20 (1988): 143-148.
  6. KC Chou. “The biological functions of low-frequency phonons. 4. Resonance effects and allosteric transition”. Biophysical Chemistry 20 (1984): 61-71.
  7. KC Chou. “Biological functions of low-frequency vibrations (phonons). Helical structures and microenvironment”. Biophysical Journal 45 (1984): 881-889.
  8. KC Chou. “Identification of low-frequency modes in protein molecules”. Biochemistry Journal 215 (1983): 465-469.
  9. KC Chou. “Low-frequency motions in protein molecules: beta-sheet and beta-barrel”. Biophysical Journal 48 (1985): 289-297.
  10. KC Chou. “Low-frequency resonance and cooperativity of hemoglobin”. Trends in Biochemical Science 14 (1989): 212-213.
  11. KC Chou. “Low-frequency vibrations of DNA molecules”. Biochemical Journal 221 (1984): 27-31.
  12. KC Chou. “Low-frequency vibrations of helical structures in protein molecule”. Biochemical Journal 209 (1983): 573-580.
  13. KC Chou. “Origin of low-frequency motion in biological macromolecules: A view of recent progress of quasi-continuity model”. Biophysical Chemistry 25 (1986): 105-116.
  14. KC Chou. “Prediction of a low-frequency mode in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor molecule”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 7 (1985): 77-80.
  15. KC Chou., et al. “Quasi-continuum models of twist-like and accordion-like low-frequency motions in DNA”. Biophysical Journal 56 (1989): 295-305.
  16. KC Chou. “Review: Low-frequency collective motion in biomacromolecules and its biological functions”. Biophysical Chemistry 30 (1988): 3-48.
  17. KC Chou and S Forsen. “Diffusion-controlled effects in reversible enzymatic fast reaction system: Critical spherical shell and proximity rate constants”. Biophysical Chemistry 12 (1980): 255-263.
  18. KC Chou and S Forsen. “Graphical rules for enzyme-catalyzed rate laws”. Biophysical Chemistry 187 (1980): 829-835.
  19. KC Chou., et al. “Three schematic rules for deriving apparent rate constants”. Chemica Scripta 16 (1980): 109-113.
  20. KC Chou., et al. “The critical spherical shell in enzymatic fast reaction systems”. Biophysical Chemistry 12 (1980): 265-269.
  21. TT Li., et al. “The flow of substrate molecules in fast enzyme-catalyzed reaction systems”. Chemica Scripta 16 (1980): 192-196.
  22. KC Chou., et al. “A new graphical method for deriving rate equations for complicated mechanisms”. Chemica Scripta 18 (1981): 82-86.
  23. KC Chou and S Forsen. “Graphical rules of steady-state reaction systems”. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 59 (1981): 737-755.


Citation: Kuo-Chen Chou. “The Significant and Profound Impacts of Low-Frequency Internal Motions (Phonons) in Biomacromolecules (Short Communication)". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.12 (2020): 14-15.


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