Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 11

The Impact of a Calibration Strategy on Student Self-Efficacy in a Pharmacotherapy Course

Suzanne E Hiller1, Carolyn Ford2 and Angela Pegram3*

1Assistant Professor; Wingate University School of Graduate Education; Wingate, NC, USA
2Professor; Wingate University School of Pharmacy; Wingate, NC, USA
3Associate Professor; Wingate University School of Pharmacy; Wingate, NC, USA

*Corresponding Author: Angela Pegram, Assistant Professor; Wingate University School of Graduate Education; Wingate, NC, USA.

Received: September 24, 2020; Published: October , 2020



Objective: To determine if a self-regulatory calibration strategy for teaching algorithms in a Pharmacotherapy course increases student motivation and achievement in pharmacy programs.

Methods: Second-year students in a Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy course studying cardiac arrythmias treatment algorithms completed a series of measures to assess motivation and achievement including self-efficacy for pharmacy studies, sense of belonging, and an atrial fibrillation (a fib) case study following a calibration intervention. The purpose of the calibration exercise was to assist students in gauging their performance in correctly using algorithm guidelines.

Results: Fourteen participants completed a set of pre- and post-measures following the intervention. Based on this sample, the results indicated that student self-efficacy for pharmacy studies improved significantly.

Conclusion: This initial study illuminates how the use of calibration techniques supports student learning for difficult topics, such as the application of cardiac arrhythmias treatment algorithms. By providing students with a calibration technique to monitor their understanding of cardiac arrythmias treatment algorithms, students developed stronger self-efficacy for pharmacy studies.

Keywords: Calibration Strategy; Student Self-Efficacy; Pharmacotherapy Course



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Citation: Suzanne E Hiller., et al. “The Impact of a Calibration Strategy on Student Self-Efficacy in a Pharmacotherapy Course". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.11 (2020): .


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