Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 11

Study on Management Practices and Constraints of Village Chicken Production in Damot Sore District in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

Alemu Ayano, Saliman Aliye and Haben Fesseha*

School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Haben Fesseha, School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia.

Received: September 07, 2020; Published: October 08, 2020



  A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Damot Sore district of Wolaita Zone to assess the major constraints and health management activities. A total of 384 households were selected randomly and assessed using a structured questionnaire survey. Accordingly, 90.62% of respondents use the backyard poultry production system and 9.38% semi-intensive. Most of the respondents (47.92%) have completed elementary school followed by college and university (20.83%). From those households, 56.25% purchased their chicken from government and private hatchery. Regarding the feeding activities, about 28.12% of chicken were scavengers whereas 44.80% were scavenging with the supplementary feed, and only 9.37% processed or purchased feed which contains a high nutritional value and 17.71% were homemade feed. About 2/3 of chicken owners provide supplementary feed for their chickens and 93.75% of the respondent has market access. The other 6.25% has no access to the market and sold on holidays or festivals. Only 27.08% of the respondents vaccinate their chickens and only 38.54% use traditional and modern drugs for deworming. Newcastle (22.92%) vaccine is the most frequently used vaccine in the area. Most respondents (89.58%) did not get the extension service from the health center and 93.75% of them didn't get the training about production to improve breeding and increase the sector. The major constraints of chicken production in the study area were disease (34.38%), predators such as cats, dog, rat, and wild birds (18.75%), and lack training on the poultry management practices (17.71%). Thus, practical based and continuous training should be given to the owner on the construction of improved housing, proper feeding activities, and control of diseases and predators.

Keywords: Major Constraints; Poultry Production; Health Management



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Citation: Haben Fesseha., et al. “Study on Management Practices and Constraints of Village Chicken Production in Damot Sore District in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.11 (2020): 38-48.


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