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Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Mini Review Volume 4 Issue 8

Corona Virus Impacts to Dental Practice and Potential Salivary Identification

Vibhor Dudhraj1, Debraj Mukhopadhyay1*, Srikanta Chandra2, Ananya Rakshit3, Kritika Jain4, Tathagata Roy5 and Lucky Mukherjee6

1Department of Public Health, School of Allied Health Sciences, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), New Delhi, India
2Assistant Professor of Jakir Hossain Institute of Pharmacy, Miapur, Raghunathganj, Murshidabad, India
3Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujrat, India
4Department of Public Health, International Laureate University, Sydney, Australia
5Assistant Professor of JIS University, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Kolkata, India
6Assistant Professor of Sister Nivedita University, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, India

*Corresponding Author: Debraj Mukhopadhyay, Department of Public Health, School of Allied Health Sciences, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), New Delhi, India.

Received: July 20, 2020; Published: July 30, 2020



 A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is associated with human to human transmission. The COVID-19 was recently identified saliva of infected patients. The possibilities of transmission by the saliva of this virus are discussed in this article. The dental clinical procedures are expected to transmit COVID-19 through contact with droplets and aerosols. In order to improve efficient strategies for prevention, especially for dentists and health professionals performing aerosol generation procedures, it is essential strategies that more investigation into the detection and impact of COVID-19 in oral fluids be made – savior which can play a crucial role in human to human transmission, can be convenient and economic health care platform for quick and early detection of COVID-19 infection through non- invasive salivation diagnostics.

Keywords: Novel Coronavirus; Human Transmission; Health Professions; Dentists; Salivation



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Citation: Debraj Mukhopadhyay., et al. “Corona Virus Impacts to Dental Practice and Potential Salivary Identification". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.8 (2020): 127-130.


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