Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN: 2581-883X)

Comprehension Review Volume 4 Issue 7

Cosmetics and Beauty Products Review

Heyam Saad Ali*

Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum, Sudan

*Corresponding Author: Heyam Saad Ali, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum, Sudan.

Received: November 22, 2018; Published: June 30, 2020



The word “Cosmetics” is known to human race since ages. At the same time, desire to look good and attractive for every individual also can be identified as the psychological need having been given the upper place in hierarchy for ages. However, it will be relevant to understand the exact meaning of the word „cosmetic‟ from various sources at the outset.

Keywords: Cosmetics; Beauty; Hair Color



  1. FDA/CFSAN. Is it a Cosmetic, a Drug or Both (or is it Soap?). U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Centre for food safety and applied nutrition, Office of cosmetics and colors fact sheet (2002).
  2. Dooley TP. Is there room for a moderate level of regulatory oversight? In: Hori W, editor. Drug discovery approaches for developing cosmeceuticals: advanced skin care and cosmetic products. Southborough: IBC Library Series (1997).
  3. Balch PA and Balch JF. In: Prescription for nutritional healing. 3rd ed. Vonore: Avery Publishing Group (2000).
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  8. California Safe Cosmetics Program Product Database.’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, mobile app available The Good Guide,, mobile app for iPhone and Android with bar scanner Information about ingredients and the industry Cosmetic Ingredient Review.
  9. De Groot AC. “Labelling cosmetics with their ingredients”. British Medical Journal 300 (1990): 1636-1638.
  10. De Groot AC., et al. “Unwanted effects of cosmetics and drugs used in dermatology, 3rd edition” (1994).
  11. Guin JD. “History, manufacture, and cutaneous reactions to perfumes”. In: Frost P, Horwitz SW (eds) Principles of cosmetics for the dermatologist. Mosby, St Louis (1982): 111-129.
  12. Matthieu L and Dockx P. “Discrepancy in patch test results with wool wax alcohols and Amerchol ® L-101”. Contact Dermatitis 36 (1997): 150–151.
  13. Martin M Rieger. Harry's Cosmeticology, Publisher: Chemical Publishing Company; 8th edition (2000).
  14. Schlossman M. The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics. Allured’s Publishing Corp., USA (2001).
  15. Schueller R and Romamouski P. Cosmetics and Personal Care. Allured’s Publishing Corp., USA (1999).
  16. MS Balsam and Edward S. Cosmetics: Science and Technology. 2nd Edition. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA (1992).


Citation: Heyam Saad Ali. “Cosmetics and Beauty Products Review".Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.7 (2020): 25-32.


Acceptance rate33%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.197

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