Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Short Communication Volume 4 Issue 2

Alcohol Use Resembling Addiction Behavior in States of Mental Breakdown of Initial Phase of Psychotic Level Disorders Appearance

Tsezar Korolenko*

Novosibirsk Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Tsezar Korolenko, Novosibirsk Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Received: January 17, 2020; Published: January 21, 2020


  The use of alcohol that resembled addictive one was observed in the clients who did not misused alcohol and so more did not suffer from the alcohol addiction. The use of alcohol by them started shortly before the development of psychosis of schizophrenic spectrum and was assessed as the state of pre-psychotic mental breakdown. The search of transformational object as the primary source of alcohol motivation was discussed.

  The behavior that resembled addictive realization was observed shortly before the development of psychosis. 13 clients, nine women, three men, aged 22-45 were studied. They did not misuse alcohol and did not suffer of any addiction before. In nine cases the families of the clients manifested hard negative relation to alcohol that was identified with “evil” in general sense. In their childhood, the clients on the conscious level believed in this evaluation of alcohol, but unconsciously they have internalized obviously the formula: what is so strongly prohibited must be in some way very exciting, according to proverb “the forbidden fruit is sweet’. The assessment and diagnose were provided in ambulatory and clinical conditions. The addiction resembling activity appeared suddenly and was connected with the change of their mental state that in general could be characterized as an appearance of the state of mild depersonalization and derealisation that the clients have experienced suddenly or as formed during relatively short time.



  1. Korolenko Ts and Dmitrieva D. Handbook of Addictology. Moscow. Russian Psychotherapeutic League (2013).
  2. Balint M. The Basic Fault. Therapeutic Aspect of Repression. Evenston, Ill. Norrhwestern University Press (1987).
  3. Bion W. Second Thoughts. Heinemann (1967).
  4. Bollas C and Bollas S. Catch Them Before They Fall. London, New York. Routledge (2013).
  5. Winnicott D. Playing and Reality. New York. Routledge (1971).
  6. Bollas C. The Shadow of the Object. New York. Columbia University Press (1987).


Citation: Tsezar Korolenko. “Alcohol Use Resembling Addiction Behavior in States of Mental Breakdown of Initial Phase of Psychotic Level Disorders Appearance". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 4.2 (2020): 52-54.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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