Gowhar Ahmad*
Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Florence Hospital Multispeciality Center, Chanapora, India
*Corresponding Author: Gowhar Ahmad, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Florence Hospital Multispeciality Center, Chanapora, India.
Received: October 10, 2023; Published: October 20, 2023
Citation: Gowhar Ahmad. “Scenario of MARFANS Syndrome in a Kashmiri Family”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 6.9 (2023): 10-11.
Marfans Syndrome Is not an uncommon condition kind of connective Tissue Disorder which involves galaxy of tissues like bones ligaments joints blood vessels hear valves skin chest skeletal muscular system eyes heart etc. this syndrome complex is characterized by
Tall person tower skull macroglossia high arched palate Macroglossia Long Tapering spidery fingers Arachnadectaky kyohoses scoliasis span of arm is greater than height.
Sublaxatiin and dislocation of lens sheprophakia ECTOPIA LENTES nystagmus squint keratoconus cataract glaucoma.
Aortic dilatation mitral valve prolapse Syndrome severe mitral regurgitation pda ATRIAL SEPTAL defects.
As we have already taxed marfans Syndrome being a complex of
Skeltomuscular manifestations are tall person with Tower skull macroglossia high arched palate Long tapering spidery fingers Span of arm is greater than height metacarpasal index is positive Arachnadectaky kyohoses SCOLIASIS.
Pigeon shaped chest and Tendency for Features.
Occular manifestations are
Sublaxatiin and dislocation of lens sheprophakia ectopia lentes nystagmus squint kerataconus cataract glucoma High myopia and Retinal detachment.
Cvs manifestations are
Marfans Syndrome is a connective Tissue Disorder a syndrome complex characterized by
However we may not find all the 3 manifestations
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