Mickey Mehta*
Department of Paediatrics, 360 Holistic Health Healing Center, India
*Corresponding Author: Mickey Mehta, Department of Paediatrics, 360 Holistic Health Healing Center, India.
Received: November 01, 2022; Published: November 17, 2022
Citation: Mickey Mehta. “Champions of Tomorrow”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 5.12 (2022): 22-24.
Children are like soft clays. They can be molded in any form the way we expect them to grow, nourish, and flourish, especially in the first 7 years of their lives. Everything they are seeded with, everything they are taught, they absorb like sponge. They have mirror neurons. They pick up everything and the sub-conscious learns it all. Whatever they are nourished with, let’s say visuals, let’s say fragrances, sounds, touch, feel and of course, food, they absorb it all. Basically, communication happens with the outer world with the help of 5 sensory organs. Most of the times, people focus in developing intellect, but to make the children true leaders and champions of tomorrow one needs to focus on developing their Intelligence.
The following things help in developing child’s intelligence
Talk to your baby. One can start doing this while the child is in the womb.
An important aspect of a child’s development is language learning. Talk to your baby. They recognize their mother’s voice and can discriminate between the language spoken by the mother and foreign languages, even when they are in the womb. It is important for the mother to keep up a conversation with her child. Help the baby learn the names of objects. Once your baby has been born, continue talking to them, and share the names of commonly used objects. Studies have shown that talking to babies boosts their brain power and helps them to learn languages faster.
Let your children explore and observe. Children have a natural curiosity for the things around them, and they should be allowed to explore and learn things by observing. Overly protective parent’s may actually hinder their child’s natural growth and learning.
Help expanding on your child’s interests in specific learning activities.
Answer child’s questions. As the child grows up and starts asking questions, answer them accurately and patiently. Children are naturally inquisitive. Parents should whet their children’s curiosity since it will help them learn. This way we will help the child develop not only his Intellect but developing Intelligence too.
Food is primary to a child's development because foods are the building blocks of a human skeletal as well as human biology, chemistry, faculties and all other aspects which will sustain good health throughout the life across ages. Watch everything that you put in children’s mouth because that is the kind of conditioning the child will develop. The child will develop the acquired taste, and the child will cultivate affinity towards foods that is humming with energy, vitality and not getting beckoned by nature, pictures and by masked colors, masked aromas and masked taste.
As much 100% natural, as much is good for the development of a child. A child when grows with such foods and such inputs of sights, taste, olfactory, visuals, audios, touch, tactile, that child can grow into a child of sattva gunas, dharmic bhavas, sakaaratmak, kirti or karya.
Such children will eventually grow up to be evolved souls. What goes inside the stomach is extremely important. So offer regional, seasonal fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, dry fruits, depending on the stage of the development of their digestive capacity. Remember, over feeding the children can destroy their digestive coping mechanism. Thus, can lead them into obesity and various kinds of other disorders.
Ayurveda says that the focus of human health depends on jataragni which is the stomach. Stomach which has to be maintained as a uni doshi, is an integral part of our body - which is vata, pitta, kapha for perfect balance. It cannot have any kind of imbalance. The ph of the stomach has to be in place. For this, it is important for the stomach to be as alkaline as possible. Ayurveda has mentioned about the microbiome and microbiota some hundreds of years back, which in the last many decades, the modern science has begun to recognize and acknowledge. Food that supports the flora and fauna of the stomach and basically the gut health is so very important, not just for a sound sleep, but liberated energy, invincible immunity and the organ life and the organ function.
Every age of the child’s growth and development is important and a balanced, wholesome diet is recommended for growing children. Nutritional needs will vary at different stages of their lives.
There is, however, a fundamental meal plan that children should adhere to in order to maintain a balanced diet, which contains the required amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
The aim is to help the child develop a healthy relationship with food for the rest of their lives. It is better to feed foods that are tasty, accessible and fun to eat.
Fruits are natural healers and vegetables are cleansers. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for growth during the primary years of life.
The diet should essentially comprise of immunity-boosting foods (the vitamins and minerals that protect our body from infection and disease). They can be found in green leafy vegetables, other kinds of vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs.
All these are essential for growth.
One must also sing, dance, laugh with their children. Studies have shown that music helps children develop healthy skills as it soothes and creates a positive environment.
Also, longevity of a human life depends on many things which include mingling with the elements, nourishing with sunlight, fresh air, oxygen, ether, earth’s gravity and water. Yes, workouts, yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, observing silence also nourishes the body as much as food does.
The intellect in its short life span fuels struggle more and intelligence encourages vital forces of spontaneity, exuberance, and bliss.
As our crops need attention, more attention is needed by our children. We need to attend to them in terms of morning, afternoon, night watching them grow and blossom. From whatever they eat to whatever they consume in terms of content, in terms of company, in terms of influence of the surroundings in terms of friends, school, teachers etc. and keep giving our input on day to day basis to make sure their process of blossoming is constantly evolving. We need to nurture our children with loads and loads of love, understanding. Tell them stories of legends, and seed the aspirations in them to become heroes, champions and leaders of tomorrow.
Making children and productive is our first fundamental responsibility at the same time making them grow and blossom out in nature with games recreation and sports too. Lead by example so that they follow what they do in terms of eating, sleeping habits, recreational habits, respect to the elders, seniors, and to the teachers, at the end of the day what will make them the beautiful flower or fruit are the bhavas, sanskaras and gunas which you seed into them.
Leaders Initialized…Champions Mickeymized!!
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