Acta Scientific Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 11

Energy Alterations in Children with Urinary Tract Infection and How Can We Treat Without Using Antibiotics

Huang WL*

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Huang WL, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.

Received: July 28, 2022; Published: October 28, 2022

Citation: Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Children with Urinary Tract Infection and How Can We Treat Without Using Antibiotics”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 5.11 (2022): 22-31.


Urinary tract infection in children is a common infection in this period of life and Escherichia coli accounts for approximately 90% of all UTI in children. Purpose: the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that children with urinary tract infections have energy deficiency in the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney) according to traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning, in this case producing internal Fire localized in the bladder and the treatment rebalancing the internal energy using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishing her energy using highly diluted medications is of paramount importance to treat the cause of the infection formation and not just the symptoms. Methods: Through one case report of 3 years-old female children in the treatment of urinary tract infection. I measured her chakras’ energy centers using a crystal-pendulum (radiesthesia procedure). Results: the results of this measurement revealed that all her internal massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, with exception of seventh chakra (that was normal, rated in eight). The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting twice a week and replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers using highly diluted medications or crystal-based medications and without using any kind of antibiotics (that could worsen the energy deficient state of the children instead of improvement). Conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that children with urinary tract infection has energy alterations in the internal five massive organs leading to formation of internal Fire (in this case localized in the Bladder) and causing symptoms of urinary tract infections. This type of cause of formation of urinary tract infections in the energy level is not discussed in the literature but physicians need to be aware of this possibility in the treatment of children with urinary tract infection.

Keywords: Urinary Tract Infection; Children; Energy; Chakras; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Homeopathy; Hippocrates.


Urinary tract infection is a common infection in children and the pathogen that most affect the children is Escherichia coli (80 to 90 percent of all urinary tract infections) [1].

The symptoms are non-specific such as unexplained fever (in the first two-years of life) and after this age, symptoms or signs of pyelonephritis such as fever, flank pain, costovertebral tenderness, chills, rigidity). It can also present symptoms such as dysuria, urgency, cloudy urine, supra-pubic pain, malodorous urine [1].

It is recommended by Western medicine, the treatment using antibiotics to eradicate the infection, after proof the infection by urine culture [1].

The drugs of choice in the treatment of urinary tract infection in children should be used amoxicillin-clavulanate or second or third generation cephalosporin, according to what the literature is saying about the treatment of urinary tract infection in children [1].

When the patients are not tolerating oral antibiotics or is hemodynamic unstable, or having toxic looking, or when the patient have less than 2 months, parenteral antibiotic therapy is recommended for all these situations [1].

In this article, I will demonstrate that all these orientations could not be fitting in the new type of population that we are having nowadays, due to the influences of the electromagnetic waves in our lives due to the modernization of the telecommunication, harming our vital energy and leading us to an immune deficiency state, as I-(2021) am showing in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [2].


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the current recommendation to treat urinary tract infection in children could not be treating this infection in children with these kinds of infection any more due to the new energy pattern of our population, in this case, the group of children.


I will show in this article a research that I did in my clinic in Brazil, where I measured the internal energy of the five massive organs (Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, and Liver) of 1000 patients, from 2015 to 2020 (including babies, children, adolescent, young adults and older patients) and the result of this research was that 90% of my patient do not have any energy inside the internal five massive organs, that are responsible for the production of internal energy, important for the maintenance of our health. This alteration is affecting the children and is causing energy disturbances leading to the formation of internal Fire, responsible for the symptoms of many kinds of diseases, such as anxiety, panic syndrome, infections, hyperglycemia, hypertension, etc., and in this case, responsible for the formation of urinary tract infection symptoms, in the energy point of view and I will discuss more deeply in the discussion section.

In the second ´part of the method, I will show you one case report of a 3-year-old female patient with a history of recurrent urinary tract infection symptoms (she had 4 episodes of UTI since her birth) and used so many types of antibiotics with no improvement of her condition.

Case Report

A tree-years-old female patient, called R, began to have urinary infections since February 2021. Her symptoms were abdominal pain, headache, back pain, fever of about 39 degrees Celsius, dysuria, and pollakiuria. She went to the pediatrician that asked for urine laboratory exams that demonstrated that she had a urinary tract infection, with urine culture positive to Escherichia coli above 100.000 colonies/ml. She received the treatment using oral antibiotics (amoxicillin-clavulanate or cephalexin) and the symptoms improved. But these symptoms repeated five months later in July 2021, in August 2021, in September 2021 and in October 2021, all were diagnosed with urinary tract infection with much alteration in the urine exam.

In September 2021, she had an ultrasound examination of the part of the urinary tract that presented a report within the normal range.

Since October 2021, she began to go to the acupuncture clinic with her mother (that is my clinic) and I told the patient that I need to measure the energy of her internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney) using radiesthesia procedure (using a crystal-pendulum) in front of each chakra’ energy centers.


The results of the measurement of the internal five massive organs (Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, Liver) also known as chakras’ energy centers, was that all her organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out eight, with exception of the seventh, that was normal, rated in eight.

The treatment started using Chinese dietary counseling (orientating her to avoid the ingestion dairy products, raw food, Cold water and sweets).

The second group of foods that I orientate to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, chocolate, honey, coconut, melted cheese and alcoholic beverages.

The third group of foods that was also orientate to avoid was the ingestion of coffee, soft drinks and matte tea.

The patient was submitted to auricular acupuncture session with apex ear bloodletting and urethra ear bloodletting twice a week.

And it was prescribed the use of homeopathy medications to replenish the energy of the internal massive organs according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications.

The medications used by the patient were Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum, and Phosphorus. The potency used was 30 CH (in the first month), 200 CH (in the second month), 1000 CH (in the third month), 10.000 CH (in the fourth month) and 50.000 CH (in the fifth month), and it was orientated to repeat the use of this last potency for every 6 or 8 months during the whole life of the patient (because the lack of energy was caused by the influences of the electromagnetic waves in our lives and this kind of affection will stay in our lives for so long and for this reason, it was orientated her to intake the medication for the whole life. Medications should be taken as follows.

20 drops of the first medication (Sulphur) diluted in 20 ml of water in a glass cup. In the case of children, this amount could be given in half of the portion (10 drops of medication in ten ml of water). On the second day, repeat this quantity of medication (Calcarea carbonica) using the second bottle. On the third day, use the third medication (Silicea), the fourth day, use the fourth bottle (Natrum muriaticum), and on the last day, use the fifth bottle (Phosphorus) of medication (10 drops of medication in ten ml of water). Repeat the intake of this medication in a higher potency, according to the potency described above.

Since then, we can see a greater spacing of this infection, the last one was in October and now it only had in March.

On March 3rd, 2022, sha had another episode of urinary tract infection with positive urine culture and a simple abdomen X-ray was also requested, where it also shows normal images.

One of the pediatricians suggested carrying out an exam to check for urinary reflux in the bladder, which could be one of the causes.

The patient’s mother reported that her daughter has difficulties using antibiotics. The patient usually has dark circles around both eyes and constipation during and after these infections (after using these medications).

They tried to remove the diaper at night in order to see if the cause was contamination from the outside to the inside, but even removing the diaper, did not result in preventing urinary infections. Culture results are always positive for Escherichia coli bacteria.

Since October 2021, when she started treatment with Chinese dietary counseling and auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, the urinary tract infections symptoms spaced out the episodes of infection, which used to be monthly, and now, she has an infection again in March 2022 (five months after the last infection in October 2021).

One of the pediatricians who is accompanying the patient said that she would ask for an exam to verify the possibility of the patient having vesicoureteral reflux, but she has not performed this exam until the end of writing this article.


This study will be following Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce), thoughts that said that “it is important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays” [3].

In this study, I will show you which is the energy alteration in this child that is causing the several episodes of urinary tract infection and that was worsening the energy with the use of any type of highly concentrated medications instead of improving [4].

To you to see the different level of treatment between Western and traditional Chinese medicine, I usually use the tree metaphor, showed in the majority of articles written by myself, as I am showing in the figure 1 [4-6].

In this tree, you can see that there are two parts that are important to understand. The part that is below the earth and the part that is under the earth. The part that is above the earth is what we can see with the naked eyes and it is representing all medical specialties (each branch) and the symptoms presented by each specialty are represented by the leaves, coming out of each branch, in each specialty [4-6].

This is the part that Western medicine is considered “scientific” because it can see with naked eyes and sometimes, it can be proven by laboratory or radiological exams [7].

Figure 1: Tree metaphor showing the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

Figure 1: Tree metaphor showing the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

The part under the earth is usually not visible by the naked eyes and it is studied by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In TCM, they understand that all manifestation at the leaf level is only a clinical manifestation of energy imbalances in the root of the tree. So, the real problem in all symptoms and manifestations of the disease is not related to the affected organ but to the influences of energy imbalances at the root of this tree. These energy imbalances are usually caused by emotional factors (because each emotion is representing one internal massive organ) as I am showing in figure 2. In this figure 2, you can see that each internal massive organ has an emotion that could be imbalanced by it. For example, excessive anger can imbalance the Liver energy meridian and can imbalance the whole system if chronic affected without treatment accordingly. And also, Liver disease can cause “anger” emotions in the patient [5,8].

Figure 2: Emotions and the internal five massive organs.

Figure 2: Emotions and the internal five massive organs.

In the book written by Capra (1978) entitled Tao of Physics, the author is saying that all the things that exist in our universe are composed by energy and the human body is one component of the universe so, it is also composed of energy. In this book, the author is mentioning the duality between the two kinds of medicine (Western and traditional Chinese medicine, one is looking at the materialized energy and the other is looking at the energy not materialized) [5,9].

In this part, there are two main theories in traditional Chinese medicine, that I am explaining in all articles written by me, the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine to explain the formation of diseases, since the energy alteration in the root [5].

The first theory is the Yin and Yang theory. In this theory, TCM explains all the phenomena of the formation and transformation of one disease into another through this theory. Yin and Yang are two energies that are opposite but complementary. They are represented by women and men, day and night, summer and winter, sun and moon, etc. as you can see in figures 3 and 4 [5].

Figure 3: Yin and Yang.

Figure 3: Yin and Yang.

Figure 4: The energy alterations between Yin and Yang that is inducing the formation of diseases.

Figure 4: The energy alterations between Yin and Yang that is inducing the formation of diseases.

To this two energies flow inside the body, there is the necessity of having two more forces that are Qi and Blood, as you can see in the figure 5 [10].

The questions that I usually do in all my patients to evaluate their energy status situation is showed in the table 1.

Figure 5: The interrelationship between Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood.

Figure 5: The interrelationship between Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood.

Table 1: Questions that I usually do to evaluate the energy situation of the patients in the first appointment.

Table 1: Questions that I usually do to evaluate the energy situation of the patients in the first appointment.

In the case of energy deficiency of one or a combination of energy deficiency between these four energies, can induce the formation of internal Fire, generating many infection like symptoms, in this case, leading to the formation of urinary tract infection symptoms, as you can see in the figure 6 [4].

When there is energy deficiency of one or a combination of energy deficiencies between these four forces, there is the formation of internal Fire inside the body, responsible for the formation of many diseases, such as anxiety, panic syndrome, schizophrenia, infections, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc. [5,10,12,13].

The second theory is the Five Elements theory, represented by Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They have representation inside the body that are the five massive organs such as Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney, respectively, as you can see in the figure 7 [5,12].

In this theory, they understand that all internal organs are interconnected by the energy flow, different from the Western perspective, where they are saying that each organ works separately and independently (Galen - ca. 129 ca. 217) [10].

In this case, the patient complained to have constipation and according to traditional Chinese medicine, constipation is a sign of Blood deficiency and only with this kind of deficiency, it is sufficient to produce the internal Fire, that is generating the urinary tract infection symptom in this specific patient [11].

This situation is different from Western medicine’s point of view when they understand that constipation can exert and mechanical obstruction to the flow of urine producing urinary tract infection due to obstruction of urine flow [11].

Figure 6: When there is energy deficiency of one or a combination of energy deficiencies between these four forces, there is the formation of internal Fire inside the body.

Figure 6: When there is energy deficiency of one or a combination of energy deficiencies between these four forces, there is the formation of internal Fire inside the body.

In the case of this patient reported in this article, one of sign and symptoms that she was presenting internal organ energy deficiency was to have dark circles under the eyes. This is a sign of Kidney energy deficiency or the Metal element in the Five Elements theory in traditional Chinese medicine and these symptoms can worse with the use of any medications in high concentrations, in this case, using antibiotics [4].

Figure 7: Five Elements theory.

Figure 7: Five Elements theory.

The measurement of the energy of the chakra’s energy centers is correspondent to measure the energy of the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine, as showed in the article written by Chase (2018) entitled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use [14].

The results of the chakras’ energy measurement of this patient reported in this article can be seeing in the figure 8.

Figure 8: Results of the chakras’ energy centers measurement and the correlation between the internal five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine and the energy that each organ produced.

Figure 8: Results of the chakras’ energy centers measurement and the correlation between the internal five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine and the energy that each organ produced.

The problem that quite the world population is facing nowadays are in the energy level, that we cannot see by the naked eyes, because of the influences of the electromagnetic radiation caused by the modernization of telecommunication, leading to less energy and causing a immune deficient state of the body in quite all the population in this world, as I am showing through one research that I did in my clinic in Brazil (from 2015 to 2020), as I am showing in the table 2 and 3 [2,15].

Table 2: Research in my clinic in Brazil, showing that the majority (90%) of the population is showing low energy pattern inside the five internal massive organs, independently on the age group or the type o diagnosis.

Table 2: Research in my clinic in Brazil, showing that the majority (90%) of the population is showing low energy pattern inside the five internal massive organs, independently on the age group or the type o diagnosis.

Table 3: The energy pattern of the remaining patients (10%) of this research. Chakra (1) Liver, (2) Kidney, (3) Liver, (4) Heart, (5) Spleen, (6) Memory and concentration, (7) Spirituallity.

Table 3: The energy pattern of the remaining patients (10%) of this research. Chakra (1) Liver, (2) Kidney, (3) Liver, (4) Heart, (5) Spleen, (6) Memory and concentration, (7) Spirituallity.

In this article, I am showing that this patient of three year-old have four episodes of urinary tract infection, probably caused by energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, as I am demonstrating in the case report, and the treatment replenishing this energy using highly diluted medications (as I am showing in the Table 4), can reduce the formation of internal Fire (generated in this case, due to energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organ), causing the Heat in the Bladder, and causing the adherence of the bacteria in the bladder cells, as I am showing in the article wrote by myself (2019) entitled Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections Without Using Any Antibiotics and in another article also written by myself (2020) Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments [4,16].

In this article, I am showing that the clinical manifestation of infection is on the leaf level of the tree, showed in the Figure 1, but the real cause of the formation of this infection is in the root of this tree, that is invisible by the naked eyes [5,9,12].

All this reasoning began in 2006, when I treated one patient with pain in the legs and was not improving his condition only using anti-inflammatory medications. He searched for another type of treatment and I treated him rebalancing his internal energy imbalance (in the root of the tree- Kidney Yang deficiency) and using this kind of reasoning, the patient improved very much from his condition of leg pain and also, from another condition that I was not aware, that was high intra-ocular pressure. For the first time of his life, his intra-ocular pressure reduced from 40 to 17 mmHg, after 40 years of treatment only using eye drops [5,9,12].

Table 4: Homeopathy medications used in the treatment of replenishment of the energy of the chakras’ energy, according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Table 4: Homeopathy medications used in the treatment of replenishment of the energy of the chakras’ energy, according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So, in this case, the first step in her treatment was changing the dietary aspects of the patient, to balance the internal Yin and Yang energy, using Chinese dietary counseling, showed in the case report and explained in many articles written by me, such as in the article written by me (2019) Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? Wrong eating habits is the second cause of energy imbalances of Yin and Yang and in the Five Elements theory, as in Chinese dietary counseling, they orientate the diet according to the energy alterations presented by each patient. In this case, the diet orientations had the intention to rebalance the internal organ energy imbalances and reduce the formation of internal Heat or Fire (avoiding the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, chocolate, honey, coconut, melted cheese or alcoholic beverages), because all these foods can induce the formation of more internal Heat, leading to worsening manifestation of urinary tract infection symptoms in this case [5].

The second step used in this treatment was the use of auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, as I am showing in the figure 9, 10 and 11.

Figure 9: Auricular acupuncture points used in her treatment.

Figure 9: Auricular acupuncture points used in her treatment.

Figure 10: Urethra apex bloodletting.

Figure 10: Urethra apex bloodletting.

Figure 11: Apex ear bloodletting.

Figure 11: Apex ear bloodletting.

The use of this technic was showed in the article written by myself (2020) entitled Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments [4,16].

The use of any kind of highly concentrated medication nowadays can harm the vital energy of the patient that is already very low, as I am showing through Arndt Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers, in the figure 12. In this case, the use of antibiotics was causing more harm to the vital energy, forming more internal Fire, leading to worsening of the infectious manifestation in the Bladder, facilitating the adherence of the bacteria in the bladder cells [4,5,10,12,16].

Figure 12: Arndt Schultz Law.

Figure 12: Arndt Schultz Law.

In this case reported in this article, you can notice that the parents of this children tried to take out the diaper of this patient with the intention to see the possible reduction in the urinary tract infection symptoms but she did not reduce the infection with this measurement because the real cause of the infection was not retrograde entrance of the bacteria from the perinium to the bladder or due to short urethra in female patients but it was caused by the energy deficiency in the internal five massive organs causing the formation of internal Fire, leading to symptoms of urinary tract infection. But with the use of Chinese medicine’s tools, using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture (with intention to rebalance the internal organs’ energy) and take out the Heat that was causing the infection (and the adherence of the bacteria in the bladder cells), it was possible to reduce the episodes of urinary tract infection from October 2021 to March 2022, when she had another episode of urinary tract infection (only after 5 months, contrary when she was using antibiotics, she was presenting one episode of urinary tract infection every month) [4,16].

Only one more thing that I want to say in this case is that in my daily clinical practice, the recurrence of urinary tract infection is usually related to wrong eating habits, leading to energy disharmony in the root level of the tree (showed in the Figure 1) and also, to emotions, such as anger, generating excessive formation of internal Fire, leading to the formation of infections symptoms, in this case, localized in the Bladder but could be manifesting in another part of the body also such as cellulitis for example [4,5,10,12,16].

To understand what is happening inside the human body in the formation of disease since the energy alterations, there is the necessity of integrating Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, as I am showing in the figure 13 of Yin and Yang metaphor of traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine [4,5,10,12,16].

Figure 13: Yin and Yang metaphor of Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Figure 13: Yin and Yang metaphor of Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

To finalize this article, I would like to say that homeopathy and acupuncture are considered medical specialties in Brazil since 1980 and 1995, by the Federal Medical Council [17].


The conclusion of this study is that there is another form of physiopathology involved in the genesis of the formation of urinary tract infection in energy deficiency patients (that represents quite the entire population in this world).

The treatment using antibiotics cannot improve this condition because what is causing this infection is an energy alteration inside the five internal massive organs that is very deficient in energy and the use of this kind of medication will harm even more this low level of energy, generating the formation of more internal Fire and maintaining the entire process. The use of highly diluted medications is indicated in the treatment of this kinds of patients according to Arndt Schultz Law and also, the need to replenish the energy of the internal five massive organs according to the theory created by myself entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medication. Using this kind of therapy, we can treat the cause of the formation of urinary tract infections and not treating the symptoms, as I showed in this case report, demonstrated in this article.

More studies in this field need to be done studying the energy of the internal five massive organs in more pediatric patients who suffered from urinary tract infections to reaffirm the results obtained in this study.


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