Acta Scientific Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 4

The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on the Morbidity and Mortality of Low Birth Weight Babies Admitted in Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital

Mitzi Avis G Panuda, Anabella S Oncog* and Maribeth M Jimenez

Department of Pediatric Medicine, Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital, Philippines

*Corresponding Author: Anabella S Oncog, Department of Pediatric Medicine, Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital, Philippines.

Received: February 19, 2021 ; Published: March 29, 2021

Citation: Anabella S Oncog., et al. “The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on the Morbidity and Mortality of Low Birth Weight Babies Admitted in Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 4.4 (2021): 76-87.


Objective: To determine the effect of kangaroo mother care (KMC) on the morbidity and mortality of low birth weight babies admitted in Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital.

Methodology: This is a descriptive retrospective study of all neonates with birthweights < 2000 grams born from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 (pre-KMC) and from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018 (post-KMC). The study proposal was duly approved by the hospital IRB. Data were gathered from the delivery book in the hospital delivery room, KMC logbook, and the patient’s chart in the Medical Records Section. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics, chi-square test and Mann Whitney U test generated from SPSS version 20.0.

Results: There was a higher incidence of low birth weight infants in the pre-KMC period than in the post-KMC period. Preterm births account for approximately 2/3 of all low birth weights in both groups. More infants weighing < 1000 grams were born in the postKMC period. More infants in the post-KMC period stayed in the hospital longer (x2 = 58.67; df = 4; p < 0.001), have bigger discharge weights (x2 = 66; df = 4; p < 0.001), higher weight gain (p < 0.006) and improved outcome (x2 = 13.17; df = 2; p = 0.001). There was no significant difference in the proportion of infants according to cause of mortality between the two groups (x2 = 5.00; df = 4; p = 0.29).

Conclusion: Kangaroo mother care in Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital results in higher proportion of infants who are discharged improved and with weights more than 2000 grams; however, infants who received KMC stay in the hospital longer than those infants who are not managed with KMC. The incidence of sepsis as the cause of death is not reduced by KMC.

Keywords: Low Birth Weight; Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital; Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)


The birth weight of an infant is the first weight recorded after birth. The World Health Organization defined Low birth weight (LBW) as a birth weight less than 2500 grams [1]. This term has been used for a century since it was first proposed by Dr. Arvo Ylppö in 1919. He was a Finnish pediatrician who described a cohort of 2168 infants born in a German health facility between 1909 and 1918. While he provided no justification for this specific weight cutoff, it has become the global marker for low birth weight [2].

It is estimated that 15 - 20% of all births globally per year are low birth weight infants. This translates to > 20 million newborns worldwide, with over 95% of these infants born in low- and middle-income countries [3].

There is a considerable variation in the LBW rates across regions and within countries. There are marked global and regional variations in LBW rates. South Asia has the highest LBW rate of 28%, followed by Sub-Saharan Africa (13%), Latin America and Caribbean (9%), and East Asia and Pacific (6%) [3]. High-income regions report lower LBW rates, with UK reporting LBW rate of 6.9% [4] and US with 8% [5].

Low birth weight is a complex syndrome that includes preterm neonates, small-for-gestational age neonates at term, and the overlap between these two group. Each group has its own subgroup, with different causative factors and long-term effects, and distributions across populations that depend on the prevalence of the underlying causal factors [6-8].

Prematurity is defined as birth before completion of 37 weeks of gestation. It is one of the major causes of low birth weight deliveries. Annually, an estimated 15 million babies are born preterm. This accounts for 11.1% of all livebirths worldwide, and 60% of these were born in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa [9]. However, preterm births are a global problem since the high-income countries are also affected. In the US, >1 baby is born preterm for every 10 deliveries [10], and the country is even the 6th of 10 countries with the highest number of preterm births. In 2012, the Philippines ranked 8th of 10 countries with the highest number of preterm births. Locally, the study by Chavez., et al. reported that from 2015 to 2016, preterm births accounted for 65.02% of the low birth weight infants delivered and/or admitted to Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital [11].

What is frightening is that the incidence of preterm births is increasing. Possible reasons for this phenomenon are better measurement or reporting of preterm birth, increases in maternal age and underlying maternal health problems such as diabetes and hypertension, greater use of infertility treatments leading to increased multiple pregnancies, and changes in obstetric practices like more caesarian births before term [9]. However, the great majority of preterm births were found to be associated with no identifiable risk factor [12]. The lack of identifiable risk factor makes it difficult for health care physicians to prevent the occurrence of preterm birth. This unknown cause of preterm labor and birth has prompted the National Institutes of Health, as well as the March of Dimes and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to make preterm birth a priority [13].

Small-for-gestational age (SGA) babies are babies born with a birth weight less than the 10th centile for the age of gestation. This classification was developed in 1995 by an expert committee of the World Health Organization, and the definition is based on a birthweight-for-gestational-age measure compared to a gender-specific reference population [14,15]. Just like preterm birth rates, SGA rates also vary from one country to another. For instance, the USA has an SGA rate of 8.6% [16], while South Korea has an SGA rate of 11.4% [17]. Lee., et al. reported that in 2010, 32.4 million infants were born SGA in low-income and middle-income countries. India topped the 10 countries with highest SGA prevalence at 47%. The Philippines ranked 8th with an SGA prevalence of 33.6% [18]. In a recent study on Filipino infants conducted in Leyte, it was reported that the SGA prevalence was 22.9% [19]. That translates to > 2 babies born SGA for every 10 live births.

Various etiologies lead to the birth of an SGA infant but the most common etiology of SGA at birth is ‘placental insufficiency’ from various causes [20]. Other etiologies are genetic and chromosomal disorders, fetal malformation, congenital infections, and toxic substances like alcohol, cocaine, or smoking. Maternal diseases such as anemia and malnutrition may also affect fetal growth [21].

Preterm birth-SGA (PTB-SGA) is thought to be most pathological in terms of being due to placental dysfunction [22,23] and the adverse sequelae for the newborn infant [24,25]. These infants are 15 times more likely to die in the first month of life compared to infants born either preterm alone or SGA alone [24]. In 2010, the prevalence of PTB-SGA ranged from 1.2% in north Africa to 3% in southeast Asia [18]. Moreover, it was found out in the study conducted by Bartsch., et al. that there is a 1% prevalence of PTB-SGA in newborns born to immigrant Filipino mothers. They compared newborns born to immigrant women from five Asian countries, namely Vietnam, Philippines, China, Hongkong, and South Korea, and they found that the rate of PTB-SGA is 6.5 per 1000 infants born to immigrant Filipino women, 3.7 per 1000 infants born to immigrant Vietnamese women, and 2.3 per 1000 infants born to immigrant Chinese women. The relative risk (RR) of PTB-SGA was not higher for infants of mothers from Hongkong or South Korea [26].

The risk factors for PTB-SGA included maternal age >30 years, being firstborn, and short maternal stature; all of which appeared to carry a particularly strong risk (p < 0.05) [27]. Maternal age above 30 years has increased risk for congenital abnormalities and pregnancy comorbidities like hypertension and gestational diabetes that can increase the risk of PTB-SGA [28,29]. The association of being firstborn with PTB-SGA was thought to be due to commencement of antenatal care (ANC) since ANC started early in the first trimester may lead to early detection and management of pregnancy related health conditions and increased duration of standard pregnancy interventions like iron and folic acid supplementation [27]. PTB-SGA was also associated with maternal short stature since maternal short stature is an indicator of chronic malnutrition, thus there is a poor supply of nutrients to the fetus during gestation [27].

The problem of low birth weight is important because LBW is a valuable public health indicator of maternal health, nutrition, healthcare delivery, and poverty [30]. Neonates with low birth weight have > 20 times greater risk of dying than neonates with birth weight > 2500 grams [31,32]. Moreover, LBW is associated with long-term neurologic disability, impaired language development [33], impaired academic achievement, and increased risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and diabetes [30]. In addition, it has also been shown that reducing the burden of LBW would have important cost savings both to the health system and to households [34].

The majority of LBW is preventable by addressing the modifiable risk factors. It has been found that risk factors are interrelated and inequitably distributed within the population. Furthermore, exposure to one factor increases the likelihood of exposure to a constellation of factors, consequently increasing the risk. So that a change of approach is vital, from addressing individual risk factors with individuals in isolation, to addressing co-occurring groups of factors with the whole family, household and community around the women at risk [4].

The WHO’s recommendations on the care of the preterm and LBW focus on 3 areas: midwife-led continuity of care (MLCC), kangaroo mother care, and specific clinical interventions. Midwife-led continuity of care (MLCC) model is one where one midwife, or a group of midwives working together, provides care to a woman, her newborn and family throughout the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal continuum. MLCC has been associated with improved outcomes for the majority of women and babies at low risk of developing complications and has been shown to reduce the risk of prematurity by around 24%. This model requires a well-functioning midwifery program and should be provided by midwives who are educated, trained, licensed, and regulated, as well as access to emergency obstetric and neonatal care, either at the health facility or through transport to a referral center [35].

The specific clinical interventions recommended by WHO include interventions during pregnancy, labor, and newborn period that are aimed at improving outcomes for preterm and LBW infants. The guidelines include antenatal steroids, prophylactic antibiotics for premature rupture of membranes, magnesium sulfate to prevent future neurological impairment of the child, thermal care for the neonate, kangaroo mother care, exclusive breastfeeding, feeding support, safe oxygen use, and other treatments to help babies breathe more easily [35].

Kangaroo mother care (KMC) of preterm and LBW infants, particularly those weighing < 2 kg. It includes exclusive and frequent breastfeeding in addition to skin-to-skin contact and support for the mother-infant dyad. It has been shown to reduce mortality in hospital-based studies in low- and middle-income countries [35].

Tracing the history of kangaroo mother care (KMC) reveals that first studies on “early contact” with mother and baby at birth were described by Peter de Chateau in Sweden on 1976; however, the articles did not specifically describe that this was skin-to-skin contact [36]. A similar work was performed in the USA by Klaus and Kennel, and was more well known in the context of early maternalinfant bonding. Thomson subsequently first reported the use of the term “skin-to-skin contact” in 1979 and quoted the work of de Chateau in its rationale [37]. However, the concept of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) was made more widely known when it was first introduced and implemented in Bogota, Colombia.

In 1978, Dr. Edgar Rey Sanabria, a professor of Neonatology of the Department of Paediatry of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, introduced a method to alleviate the shortage of caregivers and lack of resources. This was in response to increasing morbidity and mortality rates in the Instituto Materno Infantil NICU in Bogota, Colombia. He suggested that mothers have continuous skin-toskin contact with their LBW to keep them warm and to breastfeed them exclusively, freeing in turn overcrowded incubator space and care givers. Another element that was introduced was early discharge in the kangaroo position despite prematurity [38].

Dr. Rey and Dr. Martinez published their results in 1981 in Spanish and used the term “kangaroo mother method”. This was brought to the attention of English speaking health professionals in an article by Whitelaw and Sleath in 1985 [39].

The key features of KMC are early, continuous and prolonged skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the baby; exclusive breastfeeding; initiated in the hospital and can be continued at home; early discharge of small babies; adequate support of mothers at home and follow-up and gentle effective method that avoids the agitation routinely experienced in a busy ward with preterm infants [40].

Since then, KMC has been shown by several studies to improve survival rates of premature and LBW newborns, lower the risks of nosocomial infection, severe illness, and lower respiratory tract disease, increase the rate of and lengthen the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, as well as improve maternal satisfaction and confidence [41-45]. Research and experience have shown that KMC is at least equivalent to conventional care or the incubators in terms of safety and thermal protection, if measured by mortality. KMC has also been shown to offer noticeable advantages in cases of severe morbidity by facilitating breastfeeding. It also contributes to the humanization of neonatal care and to better bonding between mother and baby in both low- and high-income countries [46,47]. As such, KMC is a modern method of care in any setting, even where expensive technology and adequate care are available [40].

Kangaroo mother care spread to the Philippines in 1999 when Dr. Socorro Mendoza, after training on KMC at Fundacion Canguro in Colombia, piloted the program at Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in Manila. After 1 year, KMC was institutionalized and adopted as the standard policy of care for all LBWs and was cascaded to the local Manila Health Department that covered all lying-in clinics in 2004. Subsequently, the Manila city health office adopted the technique as its standard of care for all LBWs and effectively established its network with the pioneer Fabella center. In 2006, per recommendation by the Colombian KMC Foundation, a KMC database encoding system was initiated [48].

Upon Dr. Mendoza’s retirement from service in 2008, she established the Bless-Tetada (BT-KMC) KMC Foundation with the goal of providing impetus for the faster development of KMC nationwide. Standardization of protocols and procedures for training, implementation, research, monitoring and accreditation were developed. The first hospital that underwent training, pilot implementation, and accreditation as KMC Center of Excellence was Mariano Marcos Memorial Medical Center in Region 1. This occurred in 2010 to 2011, a good 11 years from the start of KMC in the Philippines.

Then the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center in Iloilo became the second KMC Center of Excellence in 2012. Since then, several hospitals are in the thick of pilot implementation. The BT-KMC Foundation remained in partnership with Fabella center, providing data banking services, quality improvement activities, as well as research and training [48].

The KMC experience in Fabella has shown significant benefits to all stakeholders. The risk of mortality among LBWs in KMC has significantly and consistently been shown to be lower. Deaths due to sepsis dropped from 34% to 24%. Breastfeeding rates were significantly higher up to 5 months post discharge. These translated to a drop in hospital stay by 50% and a savings of around 75% of hospital cost. Improvements in hospital resource utilization were also evident, such as personal efficiency, nurse: patient ratio, reduced budget for medications, and zero child abandonment [48].

Bohol soon hitched onto the KMC bandwagon in 2014 after Dr. Socorro Mendoza, offered training in KMC to the staff of Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital (GCGMH). The offer was made under the assumption that more LBWs would be delivered by mothers whose prenatal health was compromised after the 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit the island in 2013. The hospital responded by sending a group of healthcare providers lead by Dr. Maribeth Jimenez. Consequently, the KMC program was established in GCGMH and formal implementation was launched. Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital soon became a KMC Center of Excellence in 2015.

Dr. Chavez, a resident trainee in the Department of Pediatrics of GCGMH, conducted a study on KMC experience for the 2 years after the launching of KMC in the hospital. In his study, he reported that GCGMH has a LBW incidence of 4.5%, 65% of these were preterm, and the remaining 35% were fullterm. He also reported that there was a very high enrolment rate ranging from 98% to 99%, and that the sole reason for non-enrolment was death of the newborn. The cause of mortality was reported to be sepsis. Hospital stay of the majority of these LBWs was 7 days or less, and the weight gain in g/kg was 45 g/kg and more [11].

Inasmuch as the Dr. Chavez’s study dealt more with the experience of KMC in the hospital including the challenges that were met during implementation, he recommended that a study on the impact of KMC on the variables of morbidity and mortality among LBW infants be conducted [11]. Hence, this study was borne.

Significance of the study

This research paper is believed to benefit the following stakeholders:

  • Department of Health, Philippines: The output of this study will provide evidence to the impact of kangaroo mother care on the management of LBW infants. It can be used for evidence-based recommendations to strengthen or modify policies regarding the KMC program in order to cater to the needs of the locality.
  • Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital: This research supports the vision of the hospital to become a premier research facility. Moreover, this research is a manifestation of the institution’s commitment to its mission of providing a nurturing, knowledge-based, holistic health care to all patients.
  • Department of Pediatrics: This research can serve as a springboard for future studies by resident trainees. Furthermore, this research is also a respond to the KMC program’s call for further studies on the local KMC experience.
  • Low Birth Weight Infants: Low birth weight infants can benefit from this study as the results of this study will promote and strengthen the implementation of the KMC program. As such, LBW infants will hopefully receive the best care possible.

Objectives of the Study

General objective

To determine the effect of kangaroo mother care (KMC) on the morbidity and mortality of low birth weight babies admitted in Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital.

Specific objectives

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