Grazia Gentile1*, Antonio Pagano2 and Maria Carmen Pagano3
1 Departmental Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Service, ASL Salerno, Salerno, Campania Region, Italy
2 ASL Naples 3 South, Naples, Campania Region, Italy
3 Faculty of Medicine and Surgery "Magna Graecia" University, Catanzaro, Calabria Region, Italy
*Corresponding Author: Grazia Gentile, Departmental Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Service, ASL Salerno, Salerno, Campania Region, Italy.
Received: November 24, 2020; Published: February 11, 2021
Citation: Grazia Gentile., et al. “Sustainability and Reporting System in Health Education Projects in Schools”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 4.3 (2021): 33-34.
Health Promotion, a concept codified in 1986 by the Ottawa Charter and defined by the WHO process that allows people to exercise greater control over their health and improve it, constitutes the current reference document for the development of health-oriented and identifies policies and identifies in the school the privileged gravitational area in which to send educational messages. The Ministry of Public Education promotes health education in carrying out educational activities in a network with Local Health Authorities, whose mission is to promote health in integration with schools.
Review of health education projects in schools (years 20172019) of 2 Health Centers: ASL Salerno and A.S.Re.M.
Both the projects examined are essentially based on: the drafting of a catalog of health education projects as a training offer addressed to schools; programming linked to indications from the Ministry of Health and Regional Prevention Plans; projects related to general objectives and quantitative indicators; target recognized in students of schools participating in the offer; financing deriving from the funds for prevention. The catalogs examined do not show: projects shared with schools; identification of specific territorial needs; final objectives; outcome indicators; cost/benefit analysis; no-responder schools recovery actions; time management; estimation of sustainability; publication of the results.
The National Health System, characterized by defined resources, assigns 5% of the Health Fund to prevention. Sector studies indicate the quality of assistance linked to the evaluation of the results of the interventions produced. It is therefore essential for the maintenance of health education projects, environmental determinants able to have a positive impact on the implementation area, to improve the programming and reporting system. In line with the document “Integrated policy guidelines for the school that promotes health” (State-Regions Conference of 17 January 2019) aimed at the inclusion in the educational curriculum of school students of all levels of health promotion as an educational proposal continuous and integrated throughout the schooling, it would be appropriate for the Healthcare Authorities to re-qualify the methodological approach to the provision of health promotion services in schools: activating in the planning phase the management by objectives which suggests expected characteristics for the prefixed objective to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely, implementing reporting based on cost/benefit analysis demonstrating equity, efficiency during the reporting phase and sustainability of the intervention and disseminating the results obtained to contribute to evidence-based medicine.
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