Acta Scientific Paediatrics

Short Communication Volume 3 Issue 9

What is Emergency Medical Service?

Pranjal Konwar*

Business Consultant and Paramedicine Consultant, Emergency Medical Service/EMS Education/Helicopter Emergency, Medical Service, India

*Corresponding Author: Pranjal Konwar, Business Consultant and Paramedicine Consultant, Emergency Medical Service/EMS Education/Helicopter Emergency, Medical Service, India.

Received: July 24, 2020; Published: August 24, 2020

Citation: Pranjal Konwar. “What is Emergency Medical Service?”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 3.9 (2020):40-41.

Figure 1

Figure 1

When your State or Country has Emergency Medical Service System it helps your People in their emergency incidents such as medical, fire, crimes and in disasters to response and provide care. It is bringing the Emergency room to the door or to the site of incident. Emergency Medical Service is not anymore just “the ambulance service”; rather, it is a system known as Emergency Medical Service System where it plays an important role in the community dealing with Public Health, Public Safety and Healthcare. Traditional EMS has also changed quite a bit since 32 years in US and lot more need to change in developing countries. When people do access 911 in US and 108 in India, they no longer have to find a landline, but instead usually call using the cell phone in their pocket. In detecting the caller location in EMS has shown growth locating victim on crash side or victim in home who is unable to use phone can activate EMS just by using panic button. Hospitals have become specialized, with EMS clinicians making critical decisions about the transport of trauma, stroke and heart attack patients to referral centers, often bypassing other emergency departments along the way due to deploying of Paramedics in Ambulance. Technology has also changed, with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) bringing defibrillation first to basic life support (BLS) providers and then EMS System with Advanced Life Support (ALS) providers known as Paramedic. In India in few states there are Paramedics from BAMS stream who are trained later in EMS Paramedic and B.Sc Zoology Graduates trained in EMS Paramedics are some example of highly trained paramedic. There are few Universities in India providing Graduation and Post Graduation in EMS courses similar to western EMS Education.

Few countries and organizations have developed certifications for Paramedic, Critical Care Paramedic whose training and sometimes scope of practice extend beyond the traditional paramedic’s. The critical role of Paramedic is an extension of Emergency Physician delivering same treatment in Advance Life Support Ambulance following Offline and Online Medical Direction. The deployment of all of these clinicians will be based on providing the best care, with the best outcomes, in the most efficient way possible. In developed countries Paramedics with more experiences in EMS are working as EMS Director, EMS Consultant, EMS Faculties, and Researchers etc. EMS now equipped with smart trained paramedics response in pediatric cases managing breathing difficulty, fever, trauma. There are specialized neonatal ambulances deployed with paramedics trained especially in neonatal medical management which can be seen in some Indian states as well as in other developed countries.

Ask, does your organization have better EMS? If you don’t have then you must act to setup one for better life saving. Ask what you want? Is it leaving the department better then you found it? Is it creating a stable business model that is sustainable for future growth? Is it being a good person and stopping the vicious cycle of pain? Figure out?

Please contact for EMS System consultation for your organization. I have Post Graduation in Emergency Medicine (2 years APGDEC trained by Stanford university faculties course venture with Osmania University). Experience of 11 years in Emergency Medicine area especially Emergency Medical Service from clinical perspective as well from EMS management perspectives. My skills will help developing Nations Hospitals, Municipalities, Real-Estates to setup EMS System for better services, longevity.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Figure 3: Participated in 2018 worst Kerala flood disaster India,
as Chief Flight Paramedic (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service)
transporting in ICU helicopter Stroke, Heart attack, Respiratory
failure cases from relief camps to medical colleges.

Figure 3: Participated in 2018 worst Kerala flood disaster India, as Chief Flight Paramedic (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) transporting in ICU helicopter Stroke, Heart attack, Respiratory failure cases from relief camps to medical colleges.

Copyright: © 2020 Pranjal Konwar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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