Acta Scientific Paediatrics

Short Communication Volume 3 Issue 8

The Purpose of Temperature of a Fever in Covid-19

K M Yacob*

Chief Physician, Marma Health Centre, Kerala, India

*Corresponding Author: K M Yacob, Chief Physician, Marma Health Centre, Kerala, India.

Received: June 25, 2020 ; Published: July 30, 2020

Citation: K M Yacob. “The Purpose of Temperature of a Fever in Covid-19”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 3.8 (2020):88-89.


All human beings and animals and amphibians affected by fever plenty of times in their life time. Even though now we are living with a lot of disease related fevers with different names like Leptospira, swine flu, Chikungunya, etc. the symptoms of disease is different but symptoms of fever are same. That means there is a scientific basis, which is common for all these disease related fever and can be used to explain the secret of all disease related fever.

Present status of fever

 “Our understanding of the neural basis of thermoregulation and fever is still rudimentary”. “The role of fever in the defense reaction is not clear”.” In practice, as with pain, relief from fever with drugs adds to comfort of the patient. It also impresses the patient and the relatives favorably about the therapeutic capability of the doctor” [1].

The purpose of temperature of a fever in Covid-19

When the disease made by the virus becomes a threat to life or organs blood circulation decreases, Temperature of fever will emerge to increase prevailing essential blood circulation. And it acts as a protective covering of the body to sustain life. When blood flow decreases to the brain, the patient becomes fainted-delirious. If we try to decreases the temperature of fever, the blood circulation will further be reduced. Blood circulation never increases without temperature increase. Delirious can never be cured without an increase in blood circulation. The temperature of fever is not a surplus temperature or it is not to be eliminated from the body. During fever, our body temperature increases like a brooding hen‘s increased body temperature. The actual treatment to fever is to increase blood circulation.

Necessary Ingredients to Develop a Fever. Fever is an inflammatory response that extends beyond the sight of Infection. The right ratio of ingredients like inflammation, pyrogens is necessary to develop a fever like a good concrete. The right ratio of cement, sand, water is necessary to make good strong concrete.

Many people who have infections in the body do not develop fever. Many people who have diseased organs may not develop fever. This is lack of right ratio to development of fever. Necessary Ingredients to Cure a Fever. For curing fever we should know what are the ingredients necessary to develop a fever. Disperse of correct ratio of ingredients of fever will decrease the intensity of fever. By removing correct ratio of ingredients of fever will cure fever.

Ways to eliminate fever by increasing essential blood circulation. Just listen to the messages from the body and act accordingly. Increasing essential blood circulation is a right treatment for fever. Blood circulation never increases without increase in temperature. Fits can never be cured without increase in essential blood circulation. The fever temperature is a result of decrease of essential blood circulation, like the hen’s body temperature is produced during Broodiness. Apply extra Heat from outside and Inside to the Body, It Will Increase Essential Blood Circulation. To increase essential blood circulation never allow body temperature to lose via atmosphere and apply extra heat from outside and inside the body. Blanket, Steam bath, hot sand bag or thermal heat pad, Hot pepper water, Hot drinks, Hot salted water for gargle can be used.

Mechanism of application of heat

When the temperature produced by body due to fever and heat which we applied on the body combines together, the essential blood circulation increases. Then body will stop to produce heat to increase essential blood circulation. And body will get extra heat from outside without any usage of energy. Heat is the fast and efficient remedy to reduce inflammation and increase blood circulation. During fever, 95% diseases or patients shows inflammation. Apply heat from outside and inside to the body, blood circulation and inflammation related fever and its signals, symptoms, signs and actions will decrease. Then essential blood circulation increases, inflammation decreases, digestion increases, body pain diminishes. When we apply heat from outside and inside to the body, all the signals, symptoms of fever, like and accept the heat according to the directions and commands of Immune system. The temperature of fever is not a surplus temperature or it is not supposed to be eliminated from the body.

How can we prove that the temperature of fever in Covid-19 is to increase essential blood circulation?

If we ask any type of question-related to fever by assuming that the temperature of fever is to increase blood circulation we will get a clear answer. If avoid or evade from this definition we will never get a proper answer to even a single question If we do any type of treatment by assuming that the temperature of fever is to increase blood circulation, the body will accept, at the same time body will resist whatever treatment to decrease blood circulation. If we measure the heat energy used for which activities in fever, we will know the purpose of the temperature of fever. No further evidence is required to prove the temperature of fever is to increase blood circulation.


When the disease made by the virus becomes threat to life or organs blood circulation decreases, Temperature of fever will emerges to increase prevailing blood circulation. And it acts as a protective covering of the body to sustain life. The temperature of fever is not a surplus temperature or it is not to be eliminated from the body.


  1. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th
  2. Davidsons Principles and practice of medicine 22nd
  3. Guyton and Hall, Text book of Medical Physiology- 11th
  4. Nelson Text book of Pediatrics 20th
  5. RS Satoskar., et al. “Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics”. Revised XIV edition, p.159, 160, 163, 170.
  6. Berman’s Pediatric Decision Making (5th edition) (2011).
  7. Allen R Myres. National Medical Series for Independent Studynms Medicine 4th

Copyright: © 2020 K M Yacob. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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