Acta Scientific Cancer Biology

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 5

Assessment of Health Related Quality of life in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Undergoing Twice and Thrice weekly Hemodialysis

Ashokkumar Sharma1*, Arezou Ahmadi RA1, Narendra Bheemraj Pariahar1, Manjusha Sajith2, Sunil Jawale3 and SM Ambike4

1Pharm.D Program, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Erandwane, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2M. Pharm (Perusing Ph.D), Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth University Pune, Maharashtra, India
3DM Nephrology, Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology, Bharati Hospital and Research centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India
4MD Medicine, Consultant Nephrologist, Department of Nephrology, Jehangir Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Ashokkumar Sharma, Pharm.D Program, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Erandwane, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Received: March 25, 2020; Published: April 08, 2020


Hemodialysis is most effective maintenance therapeutic technique used in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). However, it is lifelong therapy and requires frequent hospital or dialysis centres visits hampering the patient’s overall quality of life. So, the aim of our study is to assess Health Related Quality of life in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Undergoing Twice and Thrice weekly Haemodialysis. A prospective observational, cross-sectional study was carried out from August 2016 to July 2017 in patients undergoing hemodialysis. WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to access Health Related Quality of Life. Majority of respondents were male (71.55%), married (88.62%), employed (58.54%), belonging to middle class (69.92%) and residing in rural areas (62.61%). Average mean age was 51.61 ± 15.67 years. Average Quality of Life scores observed in twice weekly and thrice weekly hemodialysis was 51.49 ± 2.52 and 52.87 ± 4.17 respectively. Patients undergoing thrice weekly hemodialysis had improved haemoglobin, serum urea, serum creatinine, blood pressure (10.28 gm/dL, 95.85 mg/dL, 8.32 mg/dL,150 ± 24.31 mmHg and 78 ± 14.87 mmHg) as compared to twice weekly hemodialysis (9.23 gm/dL, 104.94 mg/dL and 8.68 mg/dL, 154 ± 22.77 mmHg and 87 ± 16.38 mmHg). Our study concluded that there was no significant difference between overall Health Related Quality of Life in Twice weekly and Thrice weekly Hemodialysis. Frequent hemodialysis was associated with improved control of hypertension, serum urea, serum creatinine levels.

Keywords: Health Related Quality of Life; Twice and Thrice Weekly Hemodialysis; End Stage Renal Disease; WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire



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Citation: Ashokkumar Sharma., et al. “Assessment of Health Related Quality of life in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Undergoing Twice and Thrice weekly Hemodialysis". Acta Scientific Pharmacology 1.5 (2020): 06-12.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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