Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Review Article Volume 7 Issue 12

Effect of Chronic Kidney Disease on Musculoskeletal System: A Scoping Review

Shreya Trivedi*

Department of Physiotherapy, Krishna School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel Global University, Vadodara, India

*Corresponding Author: Shreya Trivedi, Department of Physiotherapy, Krishna School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel Global University, Vadodara, India.

Received: September 26, 2024; Published: December 04, 2024


Chronic kidney disease (CKD)s one of the global health challenges worldwide. Specially, in Asian countries the incidence of disease is increasing g day by day. With research it was found that kidney disease doesn’t affect only the kidney function with affects the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and overall health and wellbeing. The traditional way of treating a patient with kidney disease includes the pharmacological treatments, dialysis and/or kidney transplantation where as in modern treatment trends, rehabilitation is included for improving overall wellbeing of kidney patients and improve quality of life, reducing disease burden. To plan a tailored based rehabilitation approach it is important to understand the effect of disease on patients. So, in this paper the effect of chronic kidney disease on musculoskeletal system are emphasizes. Kidney plays a role in bone mineralization hence it plays vital role in functioning of musculoskeletal system. Effect of CKD on musculoskeletal system can broadly categized as effect on bones, muscles and pain. The primary musculoskeletal problems faced by a patient with CKD are sarcopenia, hyperkalemia, Frequent fatigues and bone disease.

 Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease; Musculoskeletal; Scoping


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Citation: Shreya Trivedi. “Effect of Chronic Kidney Disease on Musculoskeletal System: A Scoping Review".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 7.12 (2024): 25-28.


Copyright: © 2024 Shreya Trivedi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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