Effects of a Worksite Intervention to Promote Physical Activity on Cardiometabolic Health During Covid-19 Lockdown
Alejandro Romero-Caballero1*, Beatriz Crespo-Ruiz2 and Óscar L Veiga3
1Francisco de Vitoria University, Physical Education Department, Spain
2Freedom and Flow Company. Madrid, Spain
3Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Physical Education, Sport and Human Movement Department, Madrid, Spain
*Corresponding Author: Alejandro Romero-Caballero, Francisco de Vitoria University, Physical Education Department, Spain.
April 03, 2024; Published: April 23, 2024
Introduction: Active people have a lower risk of developing multiple diseases. However, approximately one third of adults do not reach the minimum recommended levels of physical activity, situation that was aggravated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Objective: This research studied the impact of a physical activity promotion program to improve different cardiovascular risk factors of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: 54 office workers (17 women; 47.0 ± 9.1 years) participated in the study. The 19-week intervention was based on the theoretical model of behavior change Behavior Change Wheel and included the prescription of an individualized physical activity (PA) program and nine workshops to increase the participants’ knowledge about the positive impact of physical activity on health.
Results: The intervention shown to reduce body weight, body max index, waist circumference, mean arterial pressure and glycosylated hemoglobin concentration and it also appears to contribute modestly to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
Keywords: Workplace; Health Promotion; COVID-19; Physical Activity; Metabolic Risk
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