A Study to Identify the Relationship between Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorders using
Branson’s Posture Assessment Scale and Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire Scale among
Dentists- Research Article
Sukirti Mohun
Associate Professor, Physiotherapist in MSK and Sports, Harsha Institute of
Physiotherapy, RGUHS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author: Sukirti Mohun, Associate Professor, Physiotherapist in
MSK and Sports, Harsha Institute of Physiotherapy, RGUHS, Bengaluru, Karnataka,
November 06, 2023; Published: November 27, 2023
Background and objective: Dentists are more prone to various work-related musculoskeletal disorders. These affect the neck,
shoulder, wrist, upper back, lower back and lower extremities. In previous studies, working posture of a dentists was assessed by using
Branson’s posture assessment scale. The PAI is most likely more effective with real-time situations where limited visibility is not
an issue when observing postures. Branson’s posture assessment scale has a potential utility in the dentistry to evaluate and monitor
the dentist posture during work. Musculoskeletal disorders was assessed using standardized Nordic questionnaire. To our knowledge
none of the studies have been done to correlate Branson’s posture assessment as a postural assessment tool and standardized
Nordic questionnaire as a tool to assess musculoskeletal disorder. So our aim is to recognize the compromised posture adapted by
the dentists and correlate them with musculoskeletal disorders. In this cross sectional survey, 66 subjects were contacted for study
purpose. Data were collected through, using Standardized Nordic Questionnaire for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms and
Branson’s posture assessment scale for Analysis of working posture of a dentists. The dynamic working posture will be assessed by
using Branson’s posture assessment instrument, while the dentist is treating their patients. Branson’s posture assessment scale assess
posture as it occur. Our study predicts about the site and duration of pain and correlation between the posture and musculoskeletal
disorders. Results showed When assessed working posture of a dentists by using BPAI scale 3.13% of dentists were in acceptable
category, 96.88% of dentists were in compromised category. In our study none of the dentists were in harmful category. When we
compared the Standardised Nordic questionnaire with BPAI the total of 83% of dentists is having musculoskeletal symptoms at least
in one or the other body parts and these dentists coming under compromised category which is 96.88%. Hence we came to the conclusion
that There is 83% of prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Among professionals dentists with neck being the
most affected area and with ankle being the least. There are associations with age, gender differences, Dominance, Height, Weight,
Body Mass Index, Working Experience, fitness and activity level of a professional dentists.
Keywords: Professional Dentists; Musculoskeletal Disorders; Pain; Nordic Questionnaire; Branson’s Posture Assessment Scale;
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