Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 8

Influence of l Global Physical Exercise on a Prototype on Low Back Pain (Patent Es2457990 B1)

Alireza Kazemi B*, Daniel Bueno C, Marcos Mínguez H, Carlos Tercero M and Daniel Herrador RA

Institution of Physiotheraphy and Sport S.L, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Alireza Kazemi B, Institution of Physiotheraphy and Sport S.L, Spain.

Received: March 20, 2023; Published: July 12, 2023


An inventive philosophy based on logic and scientific evidence becomes a fait accompli called a thesis in scientific advancement at the service of the population.
This study aims to demonstrate the benefits that an instrument invented from a globalizing thought can bring about the existence of the human body as a sum of living tissues formed by basic materials. The human body is composed of molecules that from chemistry to organic chemistry generated biological tissues that have geometry, which in turn have their architecture, which obey the physical laws of charge, which compose among themselves a mechanical congruence at the service of kinetic functions, consuming processed energy from food in the digestive system made available to machinery controlled by a spectacular neural electronic system and endocrinological. A perfect symbiosis that requires care of the health sciences and kinetic activity for its perfect conservation. For this reason, the invented instrument object of the study has been based on facilitating a programmed, protocolized and caudalized physical activity that promotes the joint work of different apparatuses, systems and segments of the body in an integral conceptorat the service of the concrete objectives for health without losing the overall contribution of the body to the cause.
In this case, the instrument invented in its initial conception sought to harmonize the function of the load and mobility of the vertebral structures, which had suffered geometric deterioration of the segments that make up the spine, causing pain, but along the way we were surprised by other benefits that we have achieved from a global contribution of the body.
The instrument was able to improve lumbar ailments from global physical exercise with special attention to the importance of load lines [21] in favor of the conservation of the segments, their appropriate biomechanics, necessary contribution of the body's system to the service of the main objective that was low back pain, due to the structural damage suffered that could probably result in an inappropriate joint mechanics that with the passage of time would contribute to the degenerative process of the body structures that make up the different systems.

Keywords:Global; Physical Exercise; Prototype; Low Back Pain


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Citation: Alireza Kazemi B., et al. “Influence of l Global Physical Exercise on a Prototype on Low Back Pain (Patent Es2457990 B1)”.Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 6.8 (2023): 68-80.


Copyright: © 2023 Alireza Kazemi B., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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