Tihonenko AnAl¹, Tkach AV¹, Malchenko AG¹, Tihonenko AlAn¹, Tkachenko AN², Maryam Jamil³ and Ehsan Ulhaq4*
¹Department of Trauma and Orthopedics, Medical Academy Named After S.I. Georgievsky "Crimean Federal University Named After V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol, Russia ²North-Western State Medical University Named After I.I. Mechnikov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ³Department of General Surgery Ghurki Trust Hospital, Lahore Medical and Dental College (LMDC) Lahore, Pakistan 4Department of Orthopedics Services Hospital Lahore, Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Lahore, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Ehsan Ulhaq, Department of Orthopedics Services Hospital Lahore, Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Lahore, Pakistan.
Received: May 31, 2023; Published: July 16, 2023
A significant part of the undesirable outcomes or complications after diaphyseal fractures of the tibia is explained either by the somatic condition of the patient or by the mechanism of the injury. However, often the reasons for these outcomes lie in the compartment syndrome. Unfortunately, this complication does not receive proper coverage in the scientific literature, exactly as well as methods of preventing it. The article proposes to deduce the principles of diagnosis and prevention of compartment syndrome based on a significant sample of patients. Diagnosis is reduced to the study of sub-fascial pressure at the slightest clinical sign of the development of compartment syndrome, while prevention consists in carrying out preventive semi-closed fasciotomies. Our studies have shown that compartment syndrome develops in 93% of cases when performing closed locking intramedullary nail of the tibia, fasciotomies from usual approaches to lock the pin were performed as a method of prevention. After performing fasciotomies, the indicators of sub-fascial pressure were re-examined and it showed significant clinical improvements than in patients without performing fasciotomies. The result of the methodology developed by the authors was an algorithm for diagnosing the compartment syndrome and an algorithm for its prevention.
Keywords: Diagnostic; Compartment Syndrome; Interlocking; Intramedullary; Osteosynthesis
Citation: Ehsan Ulhaq., et al. “Diagnostic Technique and Prevention of Compartment Syndrome in Closed Interlocking Intramedullary Osteosynthesis of Tibia”.Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 6.8 (2023): 34-37.
Copyright: © 2023 Ehsan Ulhaq., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.