Use of Inertial Measurement Unit to Assess Knee Kinematics During Activities of Daily
Living and Sports-Related Activities: A Narrative Review
Abdulraouf Hassan Alsolmi and Ahmad Hamed Alhamed*
Rehabilitation Department, King Abdulaziz Medical city, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author: Ahmad Hamed Alhamed, Rehabilitation Department, King Abdulaziz Medical city, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
May 02, 2023; Published: June 27, 2023
Background: Aberrant knee kinematics are often considered as risk factors for knee injuries, therefore, knee kinematics measurement is essential to correct and prevent knee injuries. As optoelectronic systems are limited to laboratory-setting, inertial sensors units (IMU) appear to be suitable tools for unrestrained joint kinematics measurement.
Objectives: Explore the literature on the concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of IMU for measuring knee kinematics, and the IMU application as outcome measures and feedback tools following knee injuries and/or surgeries.
Major findings: TTwelve articles were included. Seven studies looked at the IMU validity for measuring knee kinematics in healthy participants, one study included individuals with knee disorders. Knee sagittal, coronal, and transverse plane movements were investigated during different activities. Correlations between IMU and standard reference systems ranging from 0.4 to 1. One study reported excellent test-retest reliability of IMU during single leg squatting and landing for knee rotation and valgus (ICC > 0.95). Three studies employed IMUs as outcome measures after knee arthroplasty, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and rehabilitation, finding insignificant differences between comparators (P > 0.05). One study used IMU as a feedback tool to increase knee angle to reduce ACL risk factors and found significant improvement after the feedback (MD 16.2; 95% CI 11.38 to 21.02).
Conclusion: IMU is valid to measure knee kinematics in healthy individuals. The reliability of IMU knee measurements is still unknown. IMU cannot yet be recommended for use as outcome measures after knee injuries and/or surgeries.
Insufficient evidence support IMU as a feedback tool.
Keywords:Knee Joint; Kinematics; Inertial Sensors; Ambulatory Monitoring; Motion Analysis
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