Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 6

Intraarticular Synovial Sarcoma of Knee Treated with wide Local Excision and Arthrodesis- A Case Report and Follow Up of 4 Years

Vipin Tyagi1, Amit Dwivedi2, Rahul Kakran3, Ankit Yadav4*, Nitin Malik4, Chirantan MS4 and Ashish Agarwal5

1Director and HOD, Department of Orthopedics, Yashoda Super-speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad, India
2Professor and HOD, Department of Orthopedics, Santosh Medical College and Hospital, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India,
3Consultant, Department of Orthopedics, Yashoda Super-Speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad, India
4Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedics, Santosh Medical College and Hospital, India
55Post Graduate (DNB 1st Year), Department of Orthopaedics, Yashoda Super-speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad, India

*Corresponding Author: Ankit Yadav, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedics, Santosh Medical College and Hospital, India.

Received: April 14, 2023; Published: June 04, 2023


Introduction: Fractures of the proximal humerus represent 5% of all fractures. They are more prevalent in the elderly population and among females. Surgical neck fractures are the most common type of proximal humerus fractures. Surgical indications are based on the displacement presented by the fragments, according to the criteria described by Neer three types of fracture of the surgical neck: angled, translated/separated and comminuted,and on the variations in expectations from the final result, which depend on the patient's age and activity levels before the injury.

Aim and Objectives: Our aim was to explore the clinical outcome of PHFs with the treatment of MultiLoc nail or Philos plating in the elderly patients.

Materials and Methods: It is a retrospective study, which was conducted at and Santosh medical college and Hospital and Yashoda super speciality Hospital Ghaziabad for a period of 1 year from July 2017- Aug 2018. Patients with proximal humerus fractures who were willing for surgery and were admitted during the period of study were included. Total number of patients were 68, who met the following criteria. 35 patients were treated with MultiLoc nailing and the remaining 33 patients were treated with Philos plating.

Conclusion: We conclude that Proximal humerus fracture treated with PHN offers minimally invasive, cosmetically acceptable scar, stable and axial fixation with minimal soft tissue damage, early mobilization, where as in PHILOS provide rigid and stable fixation in most of comminuted fractures.

The choice of implant for proximal humerus fracture depends on the surgeon’s expertise to manage the fracture as every fracture has its own orientation and need for reduction and to provide an early mobilization and good clinical and functional outcome to the patient.

Keywords:Proximal Humerus; Multiloc Nail; Philos Plating; Elderly


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Citation: Ankit Yadav., et al. “Comparative Analysis between MultiLoc Nailing Vs Philos Plating in Proximal Humerus Fractures in Elderly Population”.Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 6.7 (2023): 03-10.


Copyright: © 2023 Ankit Yadav., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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