Motor-Vehicle Accidents Victims in Khartoum-Sudan; Identification and Analysis of
Related Risk Factors, Safety Measures, and Injury Severity
Nader M Abdulazeez MD(Ortho) MRCS(Ed), Shareef Nada MD(Ortho)
LMCC MRCS(Ed) and Dalia Abuzeid MRCP(UK) LMCC CCFP
*Corresponding Author: Safi Saeed
April 18, 2023; Published: May 26, 2023
Background: Road traffic accidents in Khartoum have been increasing dramatically along with tremendous rise in deaths in the previous past years, unfortunately with a simultaneous continuous increase in the import of vehicles.
Objective: The general aim of this study is to provide a reliable analysis of Motor Vehicle accidents in Khartoum, Sudan.
Methodology: A Hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at different centers in Khartoum State. The study sample was 385 patients exposed to traffic accidents. Data was collected using a Data Sheet filled between April 2020 and March 2021.
Results: The mean injury severity score was 7.6 ± 8.9 with 230(59.7%) fall within not severe range (< 8) and 155(40.3%) (≥8). The reported most common causes in terms of human errors, mechanical causes, obstruction by others and accidental, were excessive speeding 121(31.4%), mechanical defects 17(4.4%), improper overtakes/cuts 57(14.8%) and other recklessness or negligence by drivers 49(12.7%) respectively. Effective seat belt where available for only 43.6% of the victims, yet only 4.9% of these victims applied it. Effective air bags were available for only 26% of the victims.
Conclusion: Significant association was found between injury severity score and variables of age, gender, class, occupation, seat, conditions of the accident, location, time, causes and availability of belts (P < 0.05).
Keywords:Road Transport; World Health Organization; Motor-Vehicle
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