Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 1

Correlation Between Clinical and Radiographic presentations in Patients with Insertional Achilles Tendinitis, 2019

Sami Nogdallah1, Mohamed Alamin Ezeldin2, Montaser Fatooh3, Hozifa Mohammed Ali Abd-Elmaged4 and Alaa Mohammed Mohamed Khairy5*

1Consultant Orthopedic surgeon. MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Bashaer University Hospital, Associate Professor, Elneelain University
2Orthopedic Surgeon, MD, Bashaer University Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Sudan
3Orthopedic Surgeon. MD, Bashaer University Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Assistant Professor Alneelain University
4Orthopedic Surgeon. MD, Assistant Professor Alazaiem Alazhari University, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Sudan
5Orthopedic Resident, Bashaer University Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Sudan

*Corresponding Author: Alaa Mohammed Mohamed Khairy, Orthopedic Resident, Bashaer University Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery Department, Sudan.

Received: November 25, 2022; Published: December 06, 2022


Background: Disorders of the Achilles tendon can occur in adolescents and adults and include both traumatic and non-traumatic problems such as insertional tendinitis, intra-substance tendinopathy, complete rupture. Insertional tendinitis radiographically present as Huglund’s deformity, posterior calcaneal spur and retro-calcaneal calcification. Diagnosed based on history clinical examination to radiography.

Objectives: to correlated between clinical and radiographically finding in patents with insertional Achilles tendonitis.

Methodology: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based study conducted in Khartoum state, Sudan. The study was total coverage, data collected questionnaire and patents’ X-rays were studied.

Results: A total of 25 patients and 30 feet was studied most of them were within age group (41-60) representing 53.3% and 14 were female representing 46.7%. concerning the severity 12 case were severe (40%), 13 were moderate (43.3%) and 5 cases were mild in their presentation with 16.7% of total cases.8 cases(mild) had posterior calcaneal spur (26.7%), 10 cases (4 mild, 4 moderate and 2 sever) had patchy calcification (33.3%), 8cases (severe disease) had both spur and Huglund’s deformity and calcification. The relation between the severity of the Insertional Achilles Tendinitis and the radiographic finding was found to be statistically significant (p-value less than 0.05).

Conclusion and Recommendations: Our study concluded that there is significant correlation between radiographic and clinical presentation but this correlation is weak. Based on this finding X-rays alone is not valid method for diagnosis and severity determination of Achilles tendonitis. Our study was done on a short period so a recommendation to be done over long duration, in order to involve more cases. Also we recommend that the size and the length of posterior calcaneal prominence taking in consideration over is presence or absence. And the study group must be matched to the control group for more accurate and reliable results

Keywords: Clinical; Radiographic; Patients; Insertional Achilles Tendinitis


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Citation: Sami Nogdallah., et al. “Correlation Between Clinical and Radiographic presentations in Patients with Insertional Achilles Tendinitis, 2019”.Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 6.1 (2023): 59-65.


Copyright: © 2023 Alaa Mohammed Mohamed Khairy., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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