Lcdo Roberto Andrés Rojas Bajaña1, Mgtr Daniel Augusto Moreira Cáceres2, MSc July Elizabeth Fabre Cavanna2, Lcda Yesenia Mariela Moran Chacon3, MSc Roberto Arturo Rojas Vera4
1Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval de Guayaquil, Ecuador
2Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
3Tecnológico Universitario Argos, Ecuador
4Unidad Educativa Fedeguayas, Ecuador
*Corresponding Author: Lcdo Roberto Andrés Rojas Bajaña, nidad Educativa Liceo Naval de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Received: February 02, 2022; Published: April 11, 2022
The following study aims to develop a brief analysis through a documentary, theoretical and descriptive study that manages to gather accurate content on democracy and human rights in Ecuador. The methodology used is mixed, quantitatively Google Drive digital surveys were used and in this way statistical data was obtained, qualitatively documentary research content is presented, the same one that compiles different texts from books, articles, scientific magazines, articles of newspapers, information from educational texts, among others, to process the information obtained, organize it and provide an analysis. Therefore, one of the main results is that political parties through the media influence society, they are also observed in question No. 14, if there is democracy today? where 58% said yes, while 42% said no. Finally, in conclusion, the presidential commands due to the economic crisis have taken measures that directly affect the Ecuadorian people such as: fraud, deception, administrative failures, economic crises, which have a greater impact on the most vulnerable sectors, due to this the population feels that equal rights do not exist as part of an equitable democracy.
Keywords: Democracy; Human Rights; Dictatorships; Militarism; Government
Citation: Lcdo Roberto Andrés Rojas Bajaña., et al. “Brief Visualization of Democracy and Human Rights in Ecuador from 1972-2020".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 5.5 (2022): 33-39.
Copyright: © 2022 Lcdo Roberto Andrés Rojas Bajaña., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.