Shweta Suryvanshi1* and Nikhil Kumar Rana2
1In Charge, Principal, Knowledge Institute of Physiotherapy, Anand, India
2Principal, Goutham College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, India
*Corresponding Author: Shweta Suryvanshi, In Charge, Principal, Knowledge Institute of Physiotherapy, Anand, India.
Received: March 23, 2021; Published: February 21, 2022
Background: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is an umbrella term used for pain arising from the patellofemoral joint itself, or adjacent soft tissues. The knee consists of two major joints tibiofemoral and patellofemoral commonly affected as patellofemoral joint pain with lower extremity dysfunction that physiotherapists and sports specialist rehabilitate. Mostly the anterior knee pain was caused by joint stress at the patella. This may be occured by chondromalacia patella or malalignment of the femur during recreational activities. Rehabilitation mainly focus on relieving pain maintaining the momentum positioning of the patella on femur and may incorporate quadriceps reinforcement, coxa and back extensor muscle strength training knee flexors and stretching exercise of iliotibial band, patellar glide, taping on patella, external aids for lower base, and pelvis manual therapy intervention.
Objective: Main aim: 1. To analyze the outcome of quadriceps muscle build up versus abductors and extensors group of muscle with dorsiflexors muscle of ankle joint training on betterment of genus activity and having ache in runner’s knee pain patient. Another aim: 2. To decide the potency of genus quadriceps muscle reinforce training on measure of functional activity and having stress pain for subjects with anterior knee pain condition.
Materials and Methods: The subjects selected from Random sampling method from variant hospitals in Bengaluru and protocol will be executed in Goutham physiotherapy clinic and rehabilitation center were screened and 50 subjects were divided in two groups i.e., Group A- In this group ankle dorsiflexors with quadriceps muscle strengthening, Group B - strengthening of glutei and hip abductors muscles with ankle dorsiflexors. The explanation of the study was done on the footing analyzing pre-test and post-test evaluation of Pain Gait analysis, Kujala patellofemoral pain syndrome questionnaire. Quadriceps Angle.
Results: Comparison of mean difference of Q - Angle between Group A and Group B. In this when the mean value of Group A (17.2) compared with mean value of Group B (14.52), the mean difference is (2.68), the t’ value is (5.154), and ‘p’ value is 0.0013 which is highly significant.
Conclusion: There were significantly decrease in pain with hip posterolateral musculature strengthening exercise with ankle dorsi flexion than the Knee extensors strengthening. Hip Posterolateral Musculature Strengthening exercise with ankle dorsi flexion were decreases in VAS and improving in Q - Angle towards the normal angle. Knee Extensors Strengthening exercises have not such an important intervention for anterior knee pain condition. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome relieves with Hip Posterolateral Musculature strengthening exercises with ankle dorsi flexion.
Keywords: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS); Knee; Ankle
Citation: Shweta Suryvanshi and Nikhil Kumar Rana. “Effect of Knee Extensors Strengthening Versus Hip Posterolateral Musculature Strengthening with Ankle Dorsi Flexors in Patellofemoral Pain".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 5.3 (2022): 49-56.
Copyright: © 2022 Shweta Suryvanshi and Nikhil Kumar Rana. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.