Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 12

Pseudotumoral Patella Injury. About a Case

José Enrique Pérez González1*, Alicia Tamayo Figueroa2, Carlos González de Varona3, Ragnar Calzado Calderón2, Vilma Rondón García4 and Juan Carlos Alvarez Rodríguez5

1Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba
2Specialist 2nd Degree in Orthopedics and Traumatology, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba
3Specialist 1st Degree in Comprehensive Medicine and Orthopedics and Traumatology, Assistant Professor, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba
4Specialist 2nd Degree in Radiology, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba
5Bachelor's Degree in Defectology, Physiotherapist, Assistant Professor, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba

*Corresponding Author: José Enrique Pérez González, Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais", La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.

Received: March 09, 2021; Published: November 23, 2021


  Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) is a pseudotumoral lesion that is predominantly seen during childhood, and 76% of cases occur in patients under 20 years of age and with a slight predominance of the female sex. Below is a case of a 50-year-old male patient who when performing the scan shows inflammation of the right knee that was progressively increasing accompanied by pain and limitation for extension. Blood and chemistry test, X-rays, CT scans are performed. Sample is taken for biopsy with diagnosis Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) of the patella, taken to the salon, given full patellectomy and physiotherapy begins at 24h of surgery.

Keywords: Cyst-Aneurysmal; Pseudotumoral Injury; Osteolytic Injury


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Citation: José Enrique Pérez González., et al. “Pseudotumoral Patella Injury. About a Case".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 4.12 (2021): 34-38.


Copyright: © 2021 José Enrique Pérez González., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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