Ivan Baljosevic1*, Slavisa Antic2 and Stefan Popovic1
1ORL Department, Mother and Child Health Institute, Belgrade
2Community Health Centre "Dr Simo Milosevic" Čukarica, Belgrade
*Corresponding Author: Ivan Baljosevic, ORL Department, Mother and Child Health Institute, Belgrade.
Received: August 19, 2021; Published: September 06, 2021
Introduction: Perforation of tympanic membrane in children may be cause of recurrent midlle ear infection and loss of hearing.
Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze application of different reconstructive materials in surgical technique-miringoplasty.
Methods: We performed 88 myringoplasty in 76 children during the period of July 2010. and July 2018. Age, gender, size and site of perforation, status of the contra lateral ear, underlying cause of the perforations, surgical technique, preoperative and postoperative hearing levels and postoperative complications were recorded. In performing myringoplasty we used fascia of temporal muscle and cartilage of auricular tragus.
Results: In 43 (48%) patients we used fascia of temporal muscle and in 45 (52%) cartilage of auricular tragus. Graft success was defined as an intact eardrum at 12 months postoperatively and an improvement in perception of air-bone gap of 10 dB, which we recorded in 73 (83%) cases. Reperforations were noted in 12 (13%) patients, in 8/43 (18,6%) cases where we used temporal fascia and in 4/45 (9,3%) cases with tragal cartilage. Retraction of tympanic membrane was recorded in 3/43 (4%) cases with temporal fascia.
Conclusion: Myringoplasty is a reasonably successful method with good functional results for the pediatric patients. Risk factors for surgical success were size of perforation and pathological conditions of contra lateral ear. Tragal cartilages give better results in cases with bilateral perforations because possibility of retractions and reperforations is smaller.
Keywords: Myringoplasty; Children; Surgical Technique
Citation: Ivan Baljosevic., et al. “Application of Fascia of Temporal Muscle and Cartilage of Auricular Tragus in Myringoplasty in Children".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 4.10 (2021): 09-12.
Copyright: © 2021 Ivan Baljosevic., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.