Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Is the Quality of Life, Functionality and Podiatric Evaluation of Adolescents with Clubfoot Treated by Ponseti Method Worse than that of Other Adolescents?

Ey Batlle Ana Maria1*, Moral Benitez Helena2, Vinyals Rodriguez Marta1, Perez Palma Laura2 and Míguez Gonzalez Paula1

1Equipo Ponseti Dra. Anna Ey, Clínica Diagonal, Barcelona, Spain
2Departamento de Podologia Pediatrica y Podología Clínica, Facultad de Podología (UB), Barcelona, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Ey Batlle Ana Maria, Equipo Ponseti Dra. Anna Ey, Clínica Diagonal, Barcelona, Spain.

Received: July 26, 2021; Published: August 09, 2021


Introduction: The Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), also known as clubfoot has an incidence of 1 or 2 per 1.000 live births in Europe. Nowadays, the predominant treatment is Ponseti Method, which includes manipulation and casting.

Objective: To analyses and compare with a control group, the quality of life, function and podiatric measures of the patient with CTEV treated with the Ponseti Method 18 years after treatment.

Materials and Methods: A comparative study of 12 adolescent CTEV patients (19 feet) and a Control. Inclusion criteria in CTEV group: Having being treated with Ponseti method, no surgical releases and more than 18 y.o. Laaveg - Ponseti score and SF - 36 are used for quality of life and functionality. The maximum pronation test, the supination resistance test, Lunge’s test and FPI used as podiatric assessment

Results: Everyone got an evaluation between excellent and good in the Laaveg - Ponseti test. In the SF - 36 questionnaire the results obtained were similar between the groups. but the podiatric evaluation was clearly different. Only 4 from the 12 CTEV patients had been treated by a podiatrist.

Discussion: The study shows similar results between both groups, Concerning the Laaveg - Ponseti test both groups display similar results and in the SF - 36 test the results showed a slight improvement in the Clubfoot group, however the results are not statistically significant. The podiatric evaluation results are different between both groups. Despite function of clubfeet after Ponseti Method in adolescents is very good we can detect mild structural changes with podiatric tests.

Conclusion: In terms on functionality and quality of life there are no significative differences between clubfeet and control cases but podiatric evaluation shows statistical differences between both groups.

Level of Evidence: II Or 2b (Oxford Level of evidence).

Keywords: Clubfoot; Adolescent; Ponseti Method; Function; Quality of Life; Podiatry


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Citation: Ey Batlle Ana Maria., et al. “Is the Quality of Life, Functionality and Podiatric Evaluation of Adolescents with Clubfoot Treated by Ponseti Method Worse than that of Other Adolescents?".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 4.9 (2021): 23-30.


Copyright: © 2021 Ey Batlle Ana Maria., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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