Shabaldin NA1*, Shabaldin AV1, Tsepokina AV2, Shabaldina EV1 and Rovda Yu I1
1Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
2Scientific-Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
*Corresponding Author: Shabaldin NA, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation.
Received: July 02, 2021; Published: July 21, 2021
Introduction: The pathogenesis of Perthes disease is being actively studied. One of the possible mechanisms that cause osteodestruction in the early stages of Perthes disease is the predominance of the biological activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The association of polymorphic variants of cytokine genes may be of particular importance in this case.
Aim: Search for associations of Perthes disease with polymorphic variants of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine genes.
Materials and Methods: Polymorphic variants of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine genes were studied: IL10 (rs1800896), IL13 (RS20541), IL18 (RS187238), IL18 (RS5744292), IL1A (RS1800587), IL1Rn (POL_GF_58), IL1Rn (RS4251961), IL1β (RS16944), IL1β (RS1143634), IL4 (POL_GF_99), IL4 (rs2243250), IL6 (rs1800796), IL6 (rs1800795), INFG (rs2430561), TGFB (rs1800469), TNFα (rs1800629). The main group consisted of 25 children with 2,3 stages of Perthes disease according to the Reintberg classification, the control group consisted of 40 conditionally healthy children.
Results: The highest predictor coefficient was found for the polymorphic variant of the IL10 gene (rs1800896). The second in predictor significance was the mutant homozygous IL6 genotype (rs1800796). The third significant predictor of BLCP was the homozygous mutant genotype INFG (rs2430561). The protective genotype was located in the polymorphic region of the TNFA gene (rs1800629). Based on the logistic regression, an equation was obtained for calculating the risk of LCPD formation based on genetic predictors with potentiating and protective properties.
Conclusion: The potentiating genotypes for the risk of LCPD formation were IL6 (rs1800796), INFG (rs2430561) and IL10 (rs1800896). The genotype of the protective risk of the formation of LCPD - TNFα (rs1800629) was identified. It was shown that the combination of genotypes of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL6 (rs1800796), INFG (rs2430561), IL10 (rs1800896), TNFα (rs1800629), TGFB (rs1800469) and IL1β (rs16944)) make the most significant contribution to the determination of LCPD in children.
Keywords: Perthes Disease; Cytokines; Cytokine Gene Associations
Citation: Shabaldin NA., et al. “Polymorphism of Pro and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Genes in Children with Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 4.8 (2021): 45-51.
Copyright: © 2021 Shabaldin NA., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.