Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Difficulties in the Management and Prognosis of Cervical Rachis Trauma in a Regional Neurosurgery Unit in a Developing Country: The Example of Senegal

Faye Mohameth1,2, Barry Louncény Fatoumata2*, Sy El Hadji Cheikh Ndiaye2, Djasde Donald1, Roger Ilunga Mulumba1, Ndongo Mouhamadou Moustapha1, Diop Abdoulaye2, Cisse Yakhya2, Mualaba Célèbre2, BA Momar Code2

1Neurosurgery Unit, Regional Hospital Center of Thies, Senegal
2Neurosurgery Department, Fann University Hospital, Dakar, Senegal

*Corresponding Author: Barry Louncény Fatoumata, Neurosurgery Department, Fann University Hospital, Dakar, Senegal.

Received: November 14, 2020; Published: January 16, 2021



Introduction: Traumatic injuries of the cervical spine are frequent and are complicated in 15 to 30% of spinal cord injuries. The prognosis depends on the initial spinal cord injuries and the speed of management. We report our experience in order to evaluate our results and to reveal the difficulties of managing these injuries in our work context.

Materials and methods: over a period of 5 years from January 2015 to December 2019, we retrospectively studied 107 cases of cervical spine trauma in the neurosurgery unit of the regional hospital of Thiès (Senegal).

Results: The mean age was 35.7 years with a sex ratio of 12.3. The frequency was 67.7% of all vertebro-medullary traumas. The etiologies were dominated by road accidents (69.2%) with only 10.28% of medicalized transport and an average admission time of 50.28 hours. Neurological signs were present in 77 patients (71.9%) with an ASIA A score in 35.5% of cases and an ASIA B in 18.7% of cases. Dislocations were the dominant lesions (60.7%). Surgery was performed in 75 patients (70%) with complete improvement of motor deficit in 7 cases. The average delay was 34 months.

Conclusion: This study shows the difficulties of management in our context of patients suffering from cervical spine trauma, due to the failure of the emergency management system and the absence of specialized rehabilitation structures for follow-up care.

Keywords: Trauma; Spine; Cervical; Thies



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Citation: Barry Louncény Fatoumata., et al. “Difficulties in the Management and Prognosis of Cervical Rachis Trauma in a Regional Neurosurgery Unit in a Developing Country: The Example of Senegal".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 4.3 (2021): 15-20.


Acceptance rate33%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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