Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 12

Surgical Treatment in Fractures of the Lateral Humeral Condyle in Children: When and Which Surgery

Sudhir Shankar Babhulkar*, Sushrut Babhulkar and Amol Yashwantrao Patil

Sushrut Hospital Research Centre and PGI Orthopaedics, Nagpur, India

*Corresponding Author: Sudhir Shankar Babhulkar, Professor, Sushrut Hospital Research Centre and PGI Orthopaedics, Nagpur, India.

Received: November 10, 2020; Published: November 27, 2020



Background: To optimize the treatment for lateral condyle humerus fracture and define surgical indications.

Material and Methods: 36 patients evaluated with an average follow up of 3 years. All 36 patients had fresh injuries. Internal rotation view with antero-posterior and lateral view is essential. Arthrography, ultrasound or MRI may be required. Type I injury treated partly conservatively and mostly by percutaneous fixation in situ. Type II by closed reduction and fixation after confirming the intact cartilaginous hinge by arthrography and Type III by open reduction.

Result: Type I had excellent results. In type II 8 had excellent and 10 patients had good results. Out of 8 Type III fresh cases 2 had excellent and 5 had good results, 1patient had fair outcome.

Conclusion: Type I injury should be treated by percutaneous fixation to avoid chances of displacement. Type II injuries after confirming the intact cartilaginous hinge can be dealt without open reduction. Type III injury requires open reduction and perfect anatomical fixation. Prognosis of type III injury should be informed in advance to parents. Follow up for loss of carrying angle and development of ulnar neuritis is necessary.

Keywords: Lateral Condyle Humerus; Open Reduction; Ulnar Nerve; Nonunion; Arthrography



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Citation: Sudhir Shankar Babhulkar., et al. “Surgical Treatment in Fractures of the Lateral Humeral Condyle in Children: When and Which Surgery".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 3.12 (2020): 68-74.


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