Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Effect of Dry Needling on Sciatic Nerve Compression Arising from Piriformis Syndrome

Azzam Alarab1*, Selnur Narin2, Manar AbuAker1, Reema Daraghmah1, Hassan Shaheen1, Mohammed Joudeh1, Hamza Shaheen1, Firas Fohely1 and Said Hroub1

1Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University, Bethlehem, Palestine
2School of Physical Therapy, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey

*Corresponding Author: Azzam Alarab, Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University, Bethlehem, Palestine.

Received: April 07, 2020; Published: May 19, 2020



Objective: To show the impact of dry needling in piriformis syndrome-induced sciatic nerve compression.

Materials and Techniques: The research was performed in the physiotherapy department at Palestine Ahliya University. Patients with sciatica were randomly gathered. The sample was 20 individuals, 20 - 55 years old. They were split into two groups, Group A with 10 patients, receiving conventional therapy over 2 weeks for 6 sessions. Group B with 10 patients received one single session of dry needling treatment. The resulting measurements were used for pain (VAS), functional evaluation (ODI) and anxiety (HADS).

Results: The P-value in group therapy pain after group therapy was 0.052, slightly above 0.05. Therefore, there is no significant difference between the two treatments, but effect size calculations suggest that pain in patients is reduced by the dry needle more than conventional treatment. For (ODI) outcomes, there was no significant difference between groups greater than 0.05 after treatment with P-value = 0.089, but effect size calculations suggest that conventional therapy enhances more than dry needling function for sciatica patients. The test for post-therapy results showed a P value of 0.52 for anxiety results. This value exceeds 0.05, so we deduce that after therapy there is no statistically significant distinction in outcomes of HADS anxiety between group A and group B. However, because the pre-scores are not similar, this outcome does not imply much.

Conclusion: Dry needling therapy is better than conventional therapy in reducing pain.

Keywords: Sciatica; Piriformis Syndrome; Dry Needles; Stretching Exercises



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Citation: Azzam Alarab., et al. “Effect of Dry Needling on Sciatic Nerve Compression Arising from Piriformis Syndrome". Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 3.6 (2020): 09-17.


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