Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Muscle Contraction Exercise for Non-specific Low Back Pain

Azzam Alarab1*, Ratib Abu Shameh1, Haneen Suorie1, Deema Qaraqe1, Selnur Narin2, Hamzah Shaheen1, Saeed Hroub1, Sami Smerat1 and Akram Amro3

1Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University, Dheisha, Bethlehem, Palestine
2School of Physical Therapy, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
3Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Health Professions, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine

*Corresponding Author: Azzam Alarab, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Palestine Ahliya University, Dheisha, Bethlehem, Palestine.

Received: March 11, 20; Published: May 08, 2020



Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of exercises combined with infra-red and TENS on core muscles in patients with non-specific low back pain.

Methods: Thirty participants, 16 males and 14 female aged between 22 and 50 years suffering from nonspecific low back pain. Sample was divided into two groups, group A isometric exercises and group B isotonic exercises, both group received conservative therapy of TENS and infra-red therapy. Outcomes measure; visual analog scale, modified oswestry disability index and endurance test were used pre-treatment and at the end of 4 weeks of treatment.

Results: Both groups were comparable in term of demographic data, there were no significant differences regarding the demographic data between the groups except issue in which weight; there were significant differences between the groups. Intergroup analysis of VAS score was done using Mann-Whitney test. Pre analysis showed no significant differences between group A and group B (P = 0.285) and post- analysis showed no significant difference between group A and group B (P = 0.838). Pre analysis of MODI score was done using Mann- Whitney test, there was no significant difference between group A and group. In their post analysis of MODI scores, there was no significant difference between group and group. Comparing between groups, pre and post abdominal endurance scores were done using the Mann-Whitney Test. On the pre- treatment scores revealed P value of 0.345 and the post treatment scores revealed P value of 0.305. So, there is no statistically significant difference between group A and group B in endurance scores.

Conclusion: There was no difference between the use isotonic and isometric exercises on non-specific low back pain patients.

Keywords: Isometric Exercises; Isotonic Exercises; Core Muscle; Nonspecific Low Back Pain



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Citation: Azzam Alarab., et al. “Muscle Contraction Exercise for Non-specific Low Back Pain". Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 3.6 (2020): 03-08.


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