Sager Hanna*, Bader Al-Hindi and Aliaa Khaja
Orthopedic Surgeon (Resident), Al Razi Orthopedic Hospital, Al Razi Orthopedic Hospital, Kuwait Institute
for Medical Specialization, Kuwait
*Corresponding Author: Sager Hanna, Orthopedic Surgeon (Resident), Al Razi Orthopedic Hospital, Al Razi Orthopedic Hospital, Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization, Kuwait.
Received: March 16, 2020; Published: March 30, 2020
Introduction: Morgan., et al. first reported pseudotumor deltoideus in 2001 in a study of five cases of chronic or subacute, painful and asymptomatic pseudotumor deltoideus in the deltoid insertion. This peculiar diagnosis should be considered when evaluating cortical abnormalities in the area of the deltoid insertion.
Case Presentation: This paper presents the incidental radiological findings of a 39-year old male of Arabic background, with acute left shoulder pain after trauma. Initial radiographs of the left shoulder showed a fracture of the left proximal humerus, as well as a uni-lamellated periosteal reaction on the lateral cortex of the humerus at the level of the deltoid tuberosity.
Conclusion: The final diagnosis of pseudotumor deltoideus was made based on clinical as well as radiologic findings. Correctly identifying and treating these latent cases with conservative measure is critical to orthopedic surgeons. However, further studies are needed to assess long term follow up and whether watchful waiting and observation is the best method of care in such cases.
Keywords: Pseudotumor Deltoideus; Proximal Humerus Fracture; Deltoid Insertion
Citation: Sager Hanna., et al. “Pseudotumor Deltoideus Case Report: An Incidental Finding After a Proximal Humerus Fracture" Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 3.4 (2020): 60-62.
Copyright: © 2020 Madison Goss, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.