Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ISSN: 2581-8635)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 2

The Therapeutic Efficiency of Hyperthermia Compared with Short-Wave Diathermy

Panagiota Giannopoulou1, Athanasios Giannopoulos2 and Constantinos Koutsojannis3*

1Department of Physiotherapy, Technological and Educational Institute of Western Greece, Aigion Greece
2Physiotherapy Center “Athanasios Giannopoulos”, Korinthos Greece
3Laboratory of Health Physics and Computational Intelligence, Department of Physiotherapy Technological and Educational Institute of Western Greece, Aigion Greece

*Corresponding Author: Constantinos Koutsojannis, Laboratory of Health Physics and Computational Intelligence, Department of Physiotherapy Technological and Educational Institute of Western Greece, Aigion Greece.

Received: May 17, 2019; Published: January 10, 2020



  Heat has been used for therapeutic causes, over the past decades. A lot of heat methods have been discovered and have been used for medical and physical therapy treatments. As long as new methods and heat devices are discovered, physical therapists have to struggle between which device is the most effective. The purpose of this study is to compare two heat therapeutic methods: the shortwave diathermy and the diathermy through Hyperthermia therapy. For this study, participated 36 patients, who suffered from muoskeletal pathologies and have been randomly divided in two groups. The first group recruited 20 patients and underwent a treatment through hyperthermia therapy and the second group recruited 16 patients who underwent a treatment through the shortwave diathermy; both treatments have been associated with a standard physio-kinesitherapy treatment. All the selected patients have been given the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) to fill in at the beginning of the treatments and at the end of them. Data collected through the MPQ, have analyzed through the statistic program IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor and have shown an improvement in pain intensity in both groups. However, in the first group improvement have been shown in the 3rd-4rd day of treatment (mean: 3.85), but in the second group have been shown in the 6th-7th day (mean: 6.44). In conclusion, the significance of the present study is that it has corroborated the validity of both alternative treatments for improvement of symptomatology, but is seems that treatment through hyperthermia therapy seem to has rapider heal effect of pain.

Keywords: Hyperthermia; Shortwave Diathermy; Physiotherapy Protocols



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Citation: Constantinos Koutsojannis., et al. "The Therapeutic Efficiency of Hyperthermia Compared with Short-Wave Diathermy".Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 3.2 (2020): 18-24.


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