Acta Scientific Ophthalmology (ISSN: 2582-3191)

Short CommunicationVolume 4 Issue 3

Scenario of Cataract Surgery Past and Present

Gowhar Ahmad*

Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist, Florence Hospital and University of Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India

*Corresponding Author: Gowhar Ahmad, Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist, Florence Hospital and University of Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

Received: January 21, 2021; Published: February 25, 2021

Citation: Gowhar Ahmad. “Scenario of Cataract Surgery Past and Present”. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 4.3 (2021): 89-90.

  Cataract surgery is one of the most common ophthalmic surgery performed by almost every ophthalmologist throughout the world and perhaps one of the only eye surgery which ensures vision to a cataract patient if it is successful.

However, we are in the era of recent advances in ophthalmology like other branches of medicine now we have different subspecialities like

  • Laser
  • Paediatric ophthalmology
  • Oculoplasty
  • Neuro Ophthalmology
  • Retinal surgeons.

Ant and post segment surgeons. So, with these available subspecialities.

Prognosis of any ophthalmic disorder is very satisfactory.

Let us go to past when their was paucity of ophthalmologists no anasthesia.

  How cataract surgery was performed it was done by fake people who were known as Couchers and modality of Cataract surgery was known couching what they used. To do was putting a needle at LIMBUS in a cataractous patient to push the lens in post chamber so that pupillary area would become clear, so patient was able to see for sometime before onset of complications.

  The came the era of cataract surgery I from mid sixties with the combined methods of von graefes cataract knife and Arugas forceps. This modality of surgery continued for a very long period here 180 corneoscleral section was made by V G cataract knife and lens was removed by Arugas forceps:

  • Intracapsular
  • Extracapsular
  • Planned extracapsular
  • Accidental extracapsular.

In young patients due to strong zonules an enzyme alphachymotypsin was injected in ac to dissolve strong zonules in young patients to ensure intracapsular extraction.

Cataract surgery was also performed by following instruments:

  • Vectus
  • Erysophake
  • Tumbling of lens pressure and counter pressure also known as Smith Indian technique.

Some surgeons used aspiration syringe to suck lens cataract surgery was also done by

  • CRYO extraction
  • Then came era of IOLS.

SIcs with ac IOL it was started by

  • Ridley bancrosts
  • SICS with pc iol
  • Then came era of phaco with pc iol phaco with foldable pc iol
  • PHACO with foldable bifocal and trifocal pc iol latest
  • Laser assisted robotic surgery.

Copyright: © 2021 Gowhar Ahmad. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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