Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 1

Adenoid Hypertrophy in an Adult: An Entity to Remember

Anilkumar Harugop1, Reshma Ramanan2* and Yashita Singh2

1Professor, Department of ENT&HNS, JNMC KLE, Belagavi, India
2Junior Resident (PG), Department of ENT&HNS, JNMC KLE, Belagavi, India

*Corresponding Author: Reshma Ramanan, Junior Resident (PG), Department of ENT&HNS, JNMC KLE, Belagavi, India.

Received: November 16, 2023; Published: December 28, 2023


Introduction: The adenoids (or the pharyngeal tonsils) is a lymphoid tissue. It occupies the posterosuperior surface of the nasopharynx. Regression of the adenoid occurs rapidly after 15 years of age.The adenoid was found to be present in 2.5% of the adult population.

Case Report: A 26 year-old male patient, presented to the out patient department with the chief complaints of bilateral nasal obstruction, left more than the right, since childhood. Computer tomography (CT) scans revealed a soft tissue mass, occupying the nasopharynx. Intraoperatively, using 0o nasal endoscope, bilateral choanae were seen to be obstructed by adenoid tissue. The patient underwent microdebrider assisted adenoidectomy under general anaesthesia.

Conclusion: Enlarged adenoid should be considered in the differential diagnosis of adult patients suffering from nasal obstruction. Endoscopic visualisation assisted removal of adenoids using powered instruments like the microdebrider or coablation helps remove the adenoid tissue completely, with good hemostasis and no injury to the eustachian tube.

 Keywords: Adult; Adenoid; Microdebrider; Adenoidectomy



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Citation: Reshma Ramanan., et al. “Adenoid Hypertrophy in an Adult: An Entity to Remember".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 6.1 (2024): 14-17.


Copyright: © 2024 Reshma Ramanan., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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