Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 2

Architectonics of the Crown Part of the Tooth of Humans and Mammals

VM Zolotarev*

National Research University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia

*Corresponding Author: VM Zolotarev, National Research University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Received: November 09, 2022; Published: January 06, 2023


By methods of polarization optical microscopy and electrometry, a study of the structural organization of dentin tubes on the grindings of the crown part of the human and pig tooth was carried out. It is shown that in the region of the tubercles of the tooth, dentin tubes are a bundle in the form of a cone, the top of which is directed to the region of the tooth pulp, and the center of the base of the cone faces the zone of the apex of the tubercle. In individual specimens of teeth for crossed polarizers in the region of the tubercles of the tooth, pictures in the form of "Maltese crosses" surrounded by concentric circles were observed. By methods of mathematical modeling within the framework of geometric (beam) and wave optics, calculations were carried out for a number of compositions from the tube system and thereby the interpretation of the data obtained was substantiated. The influence of the mutual arrangement of tubes on their ability to exchange light energy is shown. The substantiation of the color paintings obtained for the sections of the molar along and across the tubes is given. The information obtained for the structure of the crown shape of the human molar tooth is compared with similar teeth of a pig and some mammals.

Keywords: Human Molar Tooth; Polarization Optical Microscopy; Spectroscopy and Electrometry


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Citation: VM Zolotarev. “Architectonics of the Crown Part of the Tooth of Humans and Mammals".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 5.2 (2023): 03-16.


Copyright: © 2022 VM Zolotarev. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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