Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 1

A Correlational Study - Literacy Skills and Phonological Skills in Children 4-10 Years Attending Mainstream Schools in Karachi, Pakistan

Anushy Hussain1*, Fauzia Shamim2 and Seema Ahmed1

1Speech and Language Therapy, Ziauddin University, Pakistan
2English Linguistics, Ziauddin University, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Anushy Hussain, Speech and Language Therapy, Ziauddin University, Pakistan.

Received: December 10, 2022; Published: December 27, 2022


Phonological awareness (PA) is the foundational reading skill, since it involves the identification and manipulation of non-lexical speech components including syllables, rhymes, and phonemes. The early phases are critical for the acquisition of emergent literacy abilities necessary for a smooth transition into academic reading. Three domains related with developing literacy that play an essential role in reading acquisition are phonological knowledge, print understanding, and oral language development. Poor Phonological Awareness can be used to define children that do not learn speech sounds in the typical way. These children fail to comprehend both sound system as well as the regulations that regulate speech. This skill is learnt rather simply; yet, folks with low phonemic awareness will pronounce particular sounds correctly in specific words but fail to make the very same sounds in others. This research is important since it will help to close a knowledge gap in this area. This article makes the audience aware that establishing a child's phonological awareness is vital because of its strong association with phonics, it is significantly tied to early reading and spelling success. This is a study done for 385 people for a time period of two months by the researcher who will employ convenient sampling strategy for data gathering. A sample size of 384 is based on the central tendency technique to guarantee a confidence of 95%. Data collection helps researchers to maintain and analyze crucial information on their current subjects. In compared to in-person data collecting, digital data collection provides significantly bigger sample sizes and boosts the data's accuracy. The study indicated that the reading participants were from a wide variety of ages. This clearly proved that the study was done on a diversified sample of participants at all levels. Pearson correlation was performed to analyze the link between the PAST and Reading scores. The strength and direction of a relationship may be evaluated using correlation.

PAST and Reading score have a substantial direct association, as indicated by the correlation value of 0.891.

Keywords: Phonological Awareness; Phonemes; Reading; Literacy; Correlation; PAST


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Citation: Anushy Hussain., et al. “A Correlational Study - Literacy Skills and Phonological Skills in Children 4-10 Years Attending Mainstream Schools in Karachi, Pakistan".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 5.1 (2023): 23-30.


Copyright: © 2022 Anushy Hussain., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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