Bustamante Gustavo1, Cedeño Alejandro1, Peraza Arianny2, Castellano Jose3, Ramos Salomón2 and Dueñes Greyner2*
1D.D.S. Oral Surgeon, Oral Surgery Unit, Dentistry School, Universidad del Zulia and Aggregate Professor, Oral Surgery Post-graduated Program, Dentistry School, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
2D.D.S. Resident, Oral Surgery Post-graduated Program, School of Dentistry, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
3D.D.S., Aggregate Professor, Research Institute, Epidemiology Department, Dentistry School, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
*Corresponding Author: Dueñes Greyner, D.D.S. Resident, Oral Surgery Post-graduated Program, School of Dentistry, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
Received: April 16, 2022; Published: June 22, 2022
Introduction: A significant number of polytrauma patients treated in emergency centers have maxillofacial trauma with mandibular fracture being the most frequent condition. The purpose of this study is to compare the nutritional status of patients with intermaxillary fixation fed with oral nutritional supplements and with a traditional liquid diet.
Material and methods: we made a retrospective study of patients with mandibular fractures treated with intermaxillary fixation in the Oral Surgery service of the University Hospital of Maracaibo - Venezuela during the 2015-2018 period, who were divided into a group with traditional liquid diet and oral nutritional support, and another group with a traditional liquid diet, to study the nutritional and anthropometric variations, through weight in kilograms, body mass index, hemoglobin, white blood cell count, absolute lymphocyte count and subjective global assessment at the start of the treatment and after 7, 15, 30 and 45 days.
Results: A significant difference between groups was observed. The group with traditional liquid diet and oral nutritional support presented less alteration in the values studied (p: ≤ 0.08).
Conclusion: Oral nutritional supplements are of great importance as a nutritional source for patients with mandibular fractures treated only with intermaxillary fixation to avoid weight loss and decrease in body mass index with minimal alteration in metabolism, maintaining their initial nutritional status.
Keywords: Malnutrition; Mandibular Fracture; Diet; Intermaxillary Fixation; Oral Nutritional Supplements
Citation: Dueñes Greyner., et al. “Administration of Oral Nutritional Supplements in Patients with Mandibular Fractures Treated with Intermaxillary Fixation".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 4.7 (2022): 83-88.
Copyright: © 2022 Dueñes Greyner., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.