Claudia Espert, Claudina Aguirre and Carlos S Ruggeri*
Department of ENT, Rhinosinusology Section, Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires, Argentina
*Corresponding Author: Carlos S Ruggeri, Department of ENT, Rhinosinusology Section, Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Received: March 30, 2022; Published: May 18, 2022
Inflammatory complications caused by obliteration of the frontal sinus can be difficult to treat.
Antibiotic treatment is usually ineffective and most patients require salvage surgery.
Many times the surgical approach can be performed endonasally or can be combined with an external approach.
Objectives: To determine the success rate of endoscopic frontal sinus revision surgery to treat chronic sinusitis and mucoceles caused by filling materials previously used in osteoplastic surgery with sinus obliteration technique.
Methods: The electronic medical records of patients who were treated for chronic inflammatory diseases (mucoceles and chronic sinusitis) caused by the filling material previously used in osteoplastic surgery with obliteration of the frontal sinus between March 2010 and January 2020 were analyzed
Results: Three patients were treated for chronic inflammation of the frontal sinus after obliterative surgery.
The three patients had a history of have been operated with osteoplastic technique with obliteration of the frontal sinus (average 19 years before).
In one patient, a Draf II-B endoscopic endonasal approach to frontal sinus was performed, extracting a material similar to wax, in another the type of material extracted using a modified Lothrop approach could not be identified, and in the third patient the material removed by a combination of Lothrop surgery and a transpalpebral approach was similar to bone.
No recurrences of the sinus infection were detected (resolution of symptoms and complications) and computed tomography (CT) showed improvement
Conclusions: Revision endoscopic surgery for chronic inflammatory disease caused by obliteration of the frontal sinus was successful in all three patients who were treated.
Extended endoscopic approaches to the frontal sinus are appropriate surgical techniques to resolve inflammatory pathology after obliteration due to the excellent exposure that they offer to extract the filling material and by the ample sinus drainage that they produce.
Keywords: Frontal Sinus; Obliteration; Chronic Sinusitis; Endoscopic Surgery; Lothrop Modified
Citation: Carlos S Ruggeri., et al. “Revision Surgery After Frontal Sinus Obliteration". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 4.5 (2022): 42-46.
Copyright: © 2022 Carlos S Ruggeri., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.