Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Clinical Images Volume 4 Issue 7

False Peritonsillar Abscess

Gumersindo Jesus Pérez Ortega1*, Ana Maria Navarro Casanova2 and Elena Borreiros Rodriguez3

1Otorhinolaryngology Service, University Hospital of Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain
2Radiodiagnosis Service, Hospital Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, Spain
3Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Gumersindo Jesus Pérez Ortega, Otorhinolaryngology Service, University Hospital of Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain.

Received: February 15, 2022; Published: June 17, 2022

A 68-year-old woman came to the emergency department with odynophagia and a foreign body sensation at the level of the left tonsil, with suspicion of a possible peritonsillar abscess of one month's evolution. On examination of the oral cavity, there was moderate swelling of the posterolateral wall of the oropharynx with medialization of the ipsilateral tonsil (Figure 1). On palpation, the swelling was hard and pulsatile. blood under pressure A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck was ordered, which reported a giant pseudoaneurysm with saccular morphology dependent on the cervical segment of the left internal carotid artery, with a size of 5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm in T-CC-AP axes and a neck of 2.7 cm. It exerts a mass effect compressing the ICA, which has a caliber of 2 mm and displaces the structures of the oro and nasopharynx, partially collapsing the lumen (Figure 2 - Figure 3 - Figure 4). This case demonstrates the importance of a thorough examination during the management of infectious cervical disease to avoid lethal complications and the need for multidisciplinary teamwork to obtain the best results for the patient.



Citation: Gumersindo Jesus Pérez Ortega., et al. “False Peritonsillar Abscess".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 4.7 (2022): 19-20.


Copyright: © 2022 Gumersindo Jesus Pérez Ortega., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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