Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Case Report Volume 2 Issue 9

Microtia Correction: Thou Shall Not Throw Living Tissue

Vipul Nanda*

Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Department, Artemis Health Institute, India

*Corresponding Author: Vipul Nanda, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Department, Artemis Health Institute, India.

Received: July 11, 2020; Published: August 25, 2020



Microtia is a congenital deformity of the external ear having an incidence of one in 7000 to 8000 live birth [1]. The classical technique for treatment involves reconstruction of the ear framework with autologous costal cartilage. The use of synthetic materials to create a framework is increasing. Such materials are a suitable option in older individuals where the costal cartilages have already ossified and hence are unavailable for carving. Research continues to improve the quality of alloplastic materials and the surgical techniques are getting refined. However, despite all the improvements in the materials and the refinements, complications like infection, wound healing issues, exposure of the implant and fracture of the framework are known. Exposure of the implant often requires explantation resulting in failure of the entire surgical exercise. Implant exposure therefore is a challenging complication that requires urgent attention. The availability of local native tissue and the surgeon’s ability to utilise it as a cover may turn out to be a lifeboat in this situation. We present a case of an exposed alloplastic ear implant (Medpor) which was salvaged successfully using the redundant native skin from the original deformed ear.

Keywords: Myiasis; Tracheostomy Stoma



Citation: Vipul Nanda. “Microtia Correction: Thou Shall Not Throw Living Tissue". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 2.9 (2020): 11-13.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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