Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL)

Case Report Volume 2 Issue 6

A rare case of Tracheostomal Myiasis- A Case Report and Review of Literature

Sumana CV*, Betty Mariam Jacob and Suhel Hasan

Department of ENT, Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author: Sumana CV, Department of ENT, Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Received: April 05, 2020; Published: May 30, 2020



  Myiasis is the infestation of larvae of flies of the order Diptera, in humans. The larvae can infect various parts of the human body including, skin, necrotic tissues, and natural cavities of living persons. Myiasis in the tracheostomy stoma is very rare. We present one such case of myiasis in the tracheostoma in a 42-year-old male patient who is a known case of retroviral disease and pseudobulbar palsy.

Keywords: Myiasis; Tracheostomy Stoma



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Citation: Sumana CV., et al. “A rare case of Tracheostomal Myiasis- A Case Report and Review of Literature". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 2.6 (2020): 16-19.


Acceptance rate34%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor0.871

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